Dog or Wolf (Visual Motif) [permalink] [show fewer links]
Typology Item
Animal (Visual Motif)
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Field book number C 514 (KE 172, Lamp)

Co 132 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Argos)

Co 253 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin from Argos)

Co 776 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Argos)

Co 856 (Middle Roman assarion of Septimius Severus from Mantinea)

Co 872 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Argos)

Co 1327 (Early-Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of Keos)

KA024 (Roman Brick with Canine Pawprint)

KC031 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantine I from Constantinople)

KL1969-003+KL1969-007 (Early/Middle Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KM477 (Early-Middle Roman Asia Minor Askos or Figurine)

KE 172 (Early/Middle Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KE 639 (Early Roman Asia Minor Lamp)

KE 959 (Middle Roman Athenian Lamp)

KE 1950 (Early Roman Italian Lamp)