cf. AgoraVII, p. 84, no. 130, pl. 5 (imitation signature; J. Perlzweig)
cf. BMLIII, p. 346, no. Q 2781, pl. 86, fig. 148 (imitation signature; from Knidos; D. M. Bailey)
cf. BenghaziIII.2, p. 96, no. 666, pl. XIX (D. M. Bailey)
cf. DelosXXVI, p. 130, nos. 4624, 4627, pl. 30 (former signed RΩMANΗS|IS|○; P. Bruneau)
cf. Heres1972, p. 76, no. 473, pl. 50 (signed RΩMANE|ƧIƧ; Berlin)
cf. PlesnicarGec1972, pp. 179-80, grave 168 no. 1, pl. XLVII:1 (slightly different nozzle; Emona)
Circular format. Slightly concave discus with rounded framing band has central filling hole and low relief of rosette with 10 point petals. Narrow, sloping, plain shoulder. U-shaped nozzle. Flat base has single circular groove around planta pedis.
Fabric, firing, and surface description
Fabric: Pinkish with a tinge of orange. Fine, somewhat soft, micaceous. Slip: Dark red with bronwish tinge. Thin, uneven, semilustrous slip; streaky.
Preservation comment
Intact but missing nozzle. Slight to moderate, sparse abrasion; worn breaks; infrequent specks to somewhat thick patches of encrustation.
“KE 406 (Early Roman Asia Minor Lamp).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>