cf. AgoraVII, p. 84, no. 130, pl. 5 (imitation signature; J. Perlzweig)
cf. BMLIII, p. 346, no. Q 2781, pl. 86, fig. 148 (imitation signature; from Knidos; D. M. Bailey)
cf. BenghaziIII.2, p. 96, no. 666, pl. XIX (D. M. Bailey)
cf. DelosXXVI, p. 130, nos. 4624, 4627, pl. 30 (former signed RΩMANΗS|IS|○; P. Bruneau)
cf. Heres1972, p. 76, no. 473, pl. 50 (signed RΩMANE|ƧIƧ; Berlin)
cf. PlesnicarGec1972, pp. 179-80, grave 168 no. 1, pl. XLVII:1 (slightly different nozzle; Emona)
Circular format. Slightly concave discus with rounded framing band has central filling hole and low relief of rosette with 10 point petals. Narrow, sloping, plain shoulder. U-shaped nozzle. Flat base has single circular groove around planta pedis.
Fabric, firing, and surface description
Fabric: Pinkish with a tinge of orange. Fine, somewhat soft, micaceous. Slip: Dark red with bronwish tinge. Thin, uneven, semilustrous slip; streaky.
Preservation comment
Intact but missing nozzle. Slight to moderate, sparse abrasion; worn breaks; infrequent specks to somewhat thick patches of encrustation.