Format of nozzle and shape of discus and rim are distinctly Egyptian, but material indicates Asia Minor product from Ephesus that is late derivative therefrom.
Motif and general outline sim. EphesosIV.2, pp. 117, 135, nos. 238, 746, pls. II, V (Typus II, V; F. Miltner)
Motif and general outline sim. GerousiBendermacher2014, p. 151, no. 209 (Perissa-Thera, dated 7th century)
sim. BMLIII, p. 251, nos. 2066, 2067, figs. 34, 35, pl. 44 (D. M. Bailey; same format and material, dated 4th century)
sim. Brants1913, p. 64, no. 1129, pl. VIII (from Asia Minor; Rijksmuseum, Leiden)
sim. Bruyère1966, pp. 111-113, pl. XVIII third row fourth position (Clysma [al-Kulzum, Bay of Suez])
Fabric, firing, and surface description
Typical fabric (pinkish orange, varied small bits, highly micaceous), firing, and surface treatment (purplish red, somewhat thin, even slip surviving in patches). Slightly misaligned seam.
Preservation comment
Intact but missing small part of back left discus and front edge of nozzle. Moderate to severe, extensive erosion (flaking) and slight to moderate abrasion; worn breaks. Scorching around entire nozzle from use.
Published as
KenchreaiV, p. 71, no. 373, pls. 16, 24 (H. Williams)
“KE 558 (Late Roman Asia Minor Imitative Lamp).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>