cf. MartyPeppers1979, pp. 238, 404, 466, no. C262, figs. 57:g, 119:g, h (East Field, Isthmia, 3rd century)=Marty1993, pp. 123-124, fig. 7:a (“kantharos“)
Stemmed cup. Round body. Short, narrow stem is offset from lower wall by distinct ridge; gradual turn to wide base. Band of herringbone in white paint sits just below maximum diameter body. Two sets of three vertical wavy “tendrils“ descend below herringbone opposite one another, though the meeting of tendrils and band is not extant; presumably they mark location of handle. This is a well-executed example of this ware in all regards.
Fabric, firing, and surface description
Fine, hard fabric; very slightly granular break. Frequent light (calcareous?), angular inclusions and tiny, glistening sand. Stacked in firing so surface is plain below lower wall; transition to oxidized upper body is mostly distinct though less so for about one-third of circumference. Upper body displays some glossy vitrification.
Preservation comment
One sherd preserves upper part of stem and lower body to widest part but missing rim and two handles. Slight to moderate, rare abrasion and pitting; worn breaks.
Published as
KenchreaiIV, no. LRB 12, p. 90, pl. 22 (B. Adamsheck)
“KE 2255 (Eastern Thin-Walled-Ware Chalice with Painting).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>