KAA typology generic term [permalink] [show more links]
Typology Item
The starting point of the KAA typology.
Logical part of
Archaeological Typologies
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Andesite (Material)


Architectural Element

Unclassified Building Stone

Opus sectile in glass




Tile or Brick Stamp

Architectural Element






Ballista Ball

Basalt (Material)

Billon (Material)

Bladed Tool (knife)


Bronze (Material)




RIC I (second edition) Augustus 207

RIC VI Cyzicus (Maximian) 16b

RIC IX Constantinople 86A

RIC IX Constantinople 86C

RIC IV Gordian III 307

RPC I, no. 1127

RPC I, no. 1128

RPC III, no. 111

RPC IV.1, no. 4655



Ceramic (Material)


Chert (Material)

Chest or Cabinet


Column or colonnette

Copper (Material)

Counter (or gaming piece)

Cult Practice

Decorative molding or relief








Die (gaming piece)

Dipinto (architecture)

Dipinto (pottery)





Electrum (Material)

Engraved text (artifact)




Fishing Technology

Fishnet Weight

Flaked Stone Tool


Functional or Behavioral Terms


Gaming board


Gemstone (Material)


Female (Gender)

Male (Gender)

Glass (Artifact Category)

Glass bead


Unclassified Glass

Glass (Material)

Gold (Material)

Gold-Foil Impression (Bracteate)

Graffito (architecture)

Graffito (pottery or lamp)

Granite (Material)


Ground Stone Tool













Inscription (stone)


Iron (Material)


Finger Ring


Broneer Type XVI Lamp

Broneer Type XXVII Lamp

Broneer Type XXVIIA Lamp

Broneer Type XXVIIB Lamp

Broneer Type XXVIIC Lamp

Broneer Type XXVIID Lamp

Broneer Type XXVIIE Lamp

Classical-Hellenistic Miniature Lamp

Early Roman Lamp

Early Roman Athenian Lamp

Early Roman Athenian Lamp, alpha-ear

Early Roman Athenian Lamp, alpha-globule

Early Roman Regional Imitation or Copy of Athenian Lamp

Early Roman Corinthian Lamp

Early Roman Corinthian Imitation or Copy of Italian Lamp

Early Roman Corinthian Lamp, Transitional


Early-Middle Roman Italian Lamp

Early-Middle Roman Asia Minor Lamp

Early-Middle Roman Asia Minor Lamp, Knidian

Early-Middle Roman Asia Minor Lamp, Pergamene

Early Roman Asia Minor Lamp, red-on-white

Early/Middle Roman Corinthian Lamp

Early/Middle Roman Corinthian Imitation or Copy of Asia Minor Lamp

Early-Middle Roman Corinthian Imitation or Copy of Athenian Lamp

Early/Middle Roman Corinthian Lamp, Palaimonion

Ephesian-type Hellenistic Lamp

Howland Type 4 Lamp

Howland Type 20 Lamp

Howland Type 21 Lamp

Howland Type 22 Lamp

Howland Type 23 Lamp

Howland Type 24 Lamp

Howland Type 25 Lamp

Howland Type 27 Lamp

Howland Type 28 Lamp

Howland Type 29 Lamp

Howland Type 30 Lamp

Howland Type 32 Lamp

Howland Type 33 Lamp

Howland Type 34 Lamp

Howland Type 36 Lamp

Howland Type 40 Lamp

Howland Type 42 Lamp

Howland Type 43 Lamp

Howland Type 44 Lamp

Howland Type 45 Lamp

Howland Type 48 Lamp

Howland Type 51 Lamp

Howland Type 54 Lamp

Howland Type 55 Lamp

Howland Type 56 Lamp



Late Hellenistic Corinthian Copy or Adaptation of Asia Minor Lamp

Late Roman Lamp

African Red Slip Lamp

African Red Slip Lamp Hayes Type I

African Red Slip Lamp Hayes Type II

Late Roman Athenian Lamp

Late Roman Athenian lamp, late glazed

Late Roman Athenian Lamp, imitation Asia Minor

Late Roman/Early Byzantine Athenian Lamp, copy or imitation North African

Late Roman Athenian Lamp, late unglazed (“postglaze”)

Late Roman Corinthian Lamp

Late Roman Corinthian or Regional Copy of Earlier Corinthian Lamp

Late Roman Corinthian or Regional Lamp, copy/imitation Asia Minor

Late Roman Corinthian or Regional Lamp, copy/imitation Athenian

Late Roman Corinthian or Regional Copy of North African Lamp

Late Roman Corinthian or Regional Lamp, local design

Pontic Lamp

Late Roman Regional Imitation or Copy of Syro-Palestinian Lamp

Late Roman-Early Byzantine Aegean Lamp

Late Roman-Early Byzantine Asia Minor Lamp

Late Roman/Early Byzantine Corinthian or Regional Lamp, imitation North African

Late Roman/Early Byzantine Corinthian or Regional Lamp, imitation Syro-Cypriot

Middle Roman Athenian Lamp

Middle Roman Athenian Lamp, copy Corinthian

Middle Roman Athenian Lamp, globule-volute

Middle Roman Athenian Lamp, unglazed

Middle/Late Roman Athenian lamp, early glazed

Palestinian “Boot” or “Slipper“ Lamp

Roman Argive Lamp

Roman Tripolitanian Lamp

Roman-Byzantine Egyptian Lamp

Roman-Byzantine-Islamic Syrian Lamp

Unclassified Lamp

Lead (Material)

Lead fill, frame, shim, strip, clamp, sheet, or raw-state

Limestone (Material)

Obsidian Blade

Lock and key

Loom Weight

Loom Weight Stamp

Magical Practice

Magical text (artifact)

Marble (Material)

Maritime Activity

Mark (architecture)


Metal (Material)


Unclassified Metal (Material)

Mosaic Fragment


Military Gear




Molded text (glass)

Mortar/Plaster (Material)



Netting Needle

Numismatic Denomination



Obsidian (Material)

Opus sectile pavement


Agora M273 Amphora

Agora M334 Amphora


Africana 1 Piccolo Amphora

Africana 2A Grande Amphora

Africana 3C Amphora

Beirut 1 Amphora

Beirut 2 Amphora

Beirut 3 Amphora

Beirut 8 Amphora

Crypta Balbi 1

Crypta Balbi 2

Ephesus 56 Amphora

Forlimpopoli Amphora

Gauloise 4 Amphora

Knidian Amphora

Late Antique Cretan Amphora

“Pamphylian” Amphora

Paphos 3 Amphora

Rhodian Amphora

Sinopean Amphora

Amphora Stamp

Amphora Stand

Thasian Amphora

Tripolitanian Amphora

Tripolitanian Amphora Type 1

Tripolitanian Amphora Type 2

Unclassified Amphora

African Red Slip

African Red-Slip Hayes Form 102

African Red-Slip Hayes Form 103

African Red-Slip Hayes Form 104

African Red-Slip Hayes Form 104A

African Red-Slip Hayes Form 104B

African Red-Slip Hayes Form 104C

African Red-Slip Hayes Form 105

African Red-Slip Hayes Form 108

African Red-Slip Hayes Form 109

African Red-Slip Hayes Form 14

African Red-Slip Hayes Form 16

African Red-Slip Hayes Form 23

African Red-Slip Hayes Form 50

African Red-Slip Hayes Form 50A

African Red-Slip Hayes Form 50B

African Red Slip Hayes Form 52

African Red-Slip Hayes Form 53

African Red-Slip Hayes Form 53A

African Red-Slip Hayes Form 53B

African Red-Slip Hayes Form 58

African Red-Slip Hayes Form 58A

African Red-Slip Hayes Form 58B

African Red-Slip Hayes Form 59

African Red-Slip Hayes Form 59A

African Red-Slip Hayes Form 59B

African Red-Slip Hayes Form 61

African Red-Slip Hayes Form 62

African Red-Slip Hayes Form 67

African Red Slip Hayes Form 68

African Red-Slip Hayes Form 8

African Red-Slip Hayes Form 80

African Red-Slip Hayes Form 84

African Red Slip Hayes Form 89

African Red-Slip Hayes Form 9

African Red-Slip Hayes Form 90

African Red-Slip Hayes Form 93

African Red-Slip Hayes Form 98

African Red Slip Hayes Form 99

African Red-Slip Hayes Form 99C

African Red Slip with Stamped Decoration

Unclassified African Red Slip

Athenian Late Roman Gouged Ware

Athenian Late Roman Painted Ware

Athenian Late Roman Red Slip

Attic Black Figure

Panathenaic Amphora

Attic Red Figure

Byzantine Glazed Pottery

Byzantine Sgraffito

Regional Cinerary Urn

Classical-Hellenistic Miniature Vessel

Late Roman Cooking Ware

Roman Cooking Ware


Corinthian Type A Amphora

Corinthian Aryballos

Corinthian Type B Amphora

Corinthian Lekane

Corinthian Relief Ware

Crétoise 1 Amphora

Crétoise 2 Amphora

Crétoise 3 Amphora

Crétoise 4 Amphora

Coarse Ware

Phocaean Cooking Ware

Dressel 1 Amphora

Dressel 12 Amphora

Dressel 2-4 Italian Amphora

Dressel 2-4 Koan Amphora

Dressel 2-4 Northern Spanish Amphora

Dressel 2-4 Unclassified

Dressel 20 Amphora

Dressel 23 Amphora

Dressel 24 Amphora

Dressel 24 Similis Amphora

Dressel 25 Amphora

Dressel 5 Amphora

Dressel 6 Amphora

“Early Christian” Ampulla with Stamp

Early Micaceous Water Jar

Eastern Thin-Walled Ware

Égyptienne 3 bitronconique

Ephesian Fine Gray Ware

Early Roman Lead-Glazed Ware

Early Roman Terracotta Unguentarium

Eastern Sigillata A

Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 10

Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 115

Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 12

Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 16

Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 22

Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 24

Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 26

Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 27

Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 28

Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 29

Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 3

Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 30

Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 33

Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 34

Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 36

Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 37

Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 38

Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 4

Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 42

Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 43

Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 46

Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 47

Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 48

Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 49

Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 5

Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 50

Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 51

Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 5B

Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 6

Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 65

Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 7

Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 9

Eastern Sigillata A Mold-Decorated Vessel

Eastern Sigillata A with Manufacturing Stamp

Unclassified Eastern Sigillata A

Eastern Sigillata B

Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 23

Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 24

Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 25

Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 29

Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 30

Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 32

Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 37

Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 5

Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 56

Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 58

Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 6

Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 60

Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 63

Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 70

Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 71

Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 72

Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 75

Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 79

Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 8

Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 80

Eastern Sigillata B with Manufacturing Stamp

Unclassified Eastern Sigillata B

Eastern Sigillata C

Eastern Sigillata C Hayes Form 1

Eastern Sigillata C Hayes Form 2

Eastern Sigillata C Hayes Form 3

Eastern Sigillata C Hayes Form 4

Eastern Sigillata C Hayes Form 5

Eastern Sigillata C Loeschcke Form 15

Eastern Sigillata C Loeschcke Form 19

Eastern Sigillata C Loeschcke Form 20

Eastern Sigillata C Loeschcke Form 26A

Eastern Sigillata C Loeschcke Form 26B

Eastern Sigillata C Loeschcke Form 29

Eastern Sigillata C Loeschcke Form 6

Eastern Sigillata C Loeschcke Form 9

Unclassified Eastern Sigillata C

Thin-Walled "Aegean" Cup

Thin-Walled Beaker or Jug

Thin-Walled Motto Cup

Thin-Walled "Phocaean" Mug

Regional Thin-Walled Ware

Unclassified Eastern Thin-Walled Ware

Ceramic Funnel

Late Roman Large-Bowl Funnel

Late Roman Long-Spout Funnel

Günsenin I Amphora

Günsenin II Amphora

Günsenin III Amphora

Hellenistic Fusiform Unguentarium

Italian Thin-Walled Ware

Italian Thin-Walled Ware Marabini Moevs Form 11

Italian Thin-Walled Ware Marabini Moevs Form 27

Italian Thin-Walled Ware Marabini Moevs Form 29

Italian Thin-Walled Ware Marabini Moevs Form 32

Italian Thin-Walled Ware Marabini Moevs Form 36

Italian Thin-Walled Ware Marabini Moevs Form 39

Italian Thin-Walled Ware Marabini Moevs Form 42

Italian Thin-Walled Ware Marabini Moevs Form 50

Italian Thin-Walled Ware Marabini Moevs Form 58

Italian Thin-Walled Ware Marabini Moevs Form 6

Italian Thin-Walled Ware Marabini Moevs Form 8

Kapitän 1 Amphora

Keay 25 Amphora

Keay 36 Amphora

Keay 40 Amphora

Keay 52 Amphora

Keay 61 Amphora

Keay 62 Amphora

Keay 62Q Amphora

Kenchreai RC10 Amphora

Kenchreai RC22 Amphora

Knidian Gray Ware

Knidian Thin-Walled Ware

Knidian Fine Ware

Knidian Relief Ware

Koan Amphora

Late Antique Ephesian Amphoriskos

Late Antique Ephesian Ampulla

Late Antique Palestinian Globular Amphora

Late Roman Amphora 1

Late Roman Amphora 11

Late Roman Amphora 14

Late Roman Amphora 2

Late Roman Amphora 2 Small

Late Roman Amphora 2 with Writing

Late Roman Amphora 3

Late Roman Amphora 4

Late Roman Amphora 5

Late Roman Amphora 6

Late Roman Amphora 7

Late Roman C Ware

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 1

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 10

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 10A

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 10B

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 10C

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 1A

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 2

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 2A

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 2B

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 2C

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 3

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 3B

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 3C

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 3E

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 3F

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 3G

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 3H

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 4

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 5

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 5A

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 5B

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 6

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 8

Late Roman C Ware with Stamped Decoration

Unclassified Late Roman C Ware

Hellenistic Moldmade Bowl (“Megarian Bowl“)

Moldmade Stopper

Middle Roman Amphora 3

Middle Roman Amphora 4

Middle Roman Amphora 5

Middle Roman Amphora 7

Middle Roman Amphora 8

Middle-Late Roman Regional Piriform Unguentarium

North Syrian Mortarium

Ottoman Pottery

Parian Amphora



Pontic Sigillata with Manufacturing Stamp

“Amphore pseudo-coenne“ en cloche

Ritual Vessels


Samian Amphora

Samos Cistern Amphora

Sherd stopper

Sherd stopper (LRA2)

Cypriot Sigillata

Cypriot Sigillata Hayes Form P30

Cypriot Sigillata Hayes Form P11

Cypriot Sigillata Hayes Form P19

Cypriot Sigillata Hayes Form P28

Cypriot Sigillata Hayes Form X45

Cypriot Sigillata Hayes Form X58

Gaulish Sigillata

Italian Sigillata

Italian Sigillata Aco Beaker

Italian Sigillata Conspectus Form 12

Italian Sigillata Conspectus Form 14

Italian Sigillata Conspectus Form 18

Italian Sigillata Conspectus Form 18.2

Italian Sigillata Conspectus Form 2

Italian Sigillata Conspectus Form 20

Italian Sigillata Conspectus Form 21

Italian Sigillata Conspectus Form 23

Italian Sigillata Conspectus Form 27

Italian Sigillata Conspectus Form 33

Italian Sigillata Conspectus Form 34

Italian Sigillata Conspectus Form 4

Italian Sigillata Conspectus Rim Form 2

Italian Sigillata Conspectus Rim Form 9

Italian Sigillata Conspectus Rim Form 4

Italian Sigillata with Molded Decoration

Italian Sigillata with Manufacturing Stamp

Unclassified Italian Sigillata

Pontic Sigillata

Unclassified Pontic Sigillata

Pontic Sigillata Zhuravlev Form 1

Pontic Sigillata Zhuravlev Form 12

Pontic Sigillata Zhuravlev Form 14

Pontic Sigillata Zhuravlev Form 2

Pontic Sigillata Zhuravlev Form 24

Pontic Sigillata Zhuravlev Form 28

Pontic Sigillata Zhuravlev Form 29

Pontic Sigillata Zhuravlev Form 3

Pontic Sigillata Zhuravlev Form 31

Pontic Sigillata Zhuravlev Form 32

Pontic Sigillata Zhuravlev Form 4

Pontic Sigillata Zhuravlev Form 6

Regional Sigillata


Slipped Table Wares

Macedonian Terra Sigillata Grise

Moesian Sigillata

Regional Red Slip

Unclassified Sigillata

Small handled amphora stopper



Unclassified Pottery

Unclassified Black Figure

Unclassified Red Figure


Zemer Amphora 36

Zemer Amphora 57





Personal Accessories

Personal Adornment




Porphyry (Material)

Post-Reform Radiate

Pot mender


Punch or die



Quern or Millstone

Radiate fraction

Raw Glass





Terracotta Figurine


Sandstone (Material)






Shell (Material)

Silver (Material)






Signature, mark, or legend (lamp)

Stamp, mark, or molding (pottery)


Stone (Material)

Stone Bowl

Stone Mortarium

Stone Stopper

Stone-Working Debris

Sword or Dagger

Tegula mammata

Templon screen









Utensils and Fixtures

Visual Motif

Animal (Visual Motif)

Aphrodite/Venus (Visual Motif)

Apollo (Visual Motif)

Ares/Mars (Visual Motif)

Artemis/Diana (Visual Motif)

Asklepios/Aesculapius (Visual Motif)

Athena/Minerva (Visual Motif)

Athlete (Visual Motif)

Bear (Visual Motif)

Bird (Visual Motif)

Historical building (Visual Motif)

Bull or Cow (Visual Motif)

Ceres/Demeter (Visual Motif)

Chicken (Visual Motif)

Christian Chi-Rho (Visual Motif)

Christian Cross (Visual Motif)

Christian Symbol (Visual Motif)

Deer (Visual Motif)

Deity (Visual Motif)

Dionysos/Bacchus (Visual Motif)

Dog or Wolf (Visual Motif)

Dolphin (Visual Motif)

Eagle (Visual Motif)

Eirene/Pax (Visual Motif)

Emperor (Visual Motif)

Eros/Cupid (Visual Motif)

Fish (Visual Motif)

Gazelle (Visual Motif)

Gladiator (Visual Motif)

Goat (Visual Motif)

Hebe/Iuventas (Visual Motif)

Helios/Sol (Visual Motif)

Hephaistos/Vulcan (Visual Motif)

Hera/Juno (Visual Motif)

Herakles/Hercules (Visual Motif)

Hermes/Mercury (Visual Motif)

Horse or Donkey (Visual Motif)

Isis (Visual Motif)

Jesus Christ (Visual Motif)

Lion (Visual Motif)

Maenad (Visual Motif)

Mythological Animal (Visual Motif)

Mythological Person (Visual Motif)

Nike/Victoria (Visual Motif)

Olympian Deity (Visual Motif)

Palaimon-Melikertes (Visual Motif)

Pan (Visual Motif)

Pegasos (Visual Motif)

Persephone/Kore/Proserpina (Visual Motif)

Person (Visual Motif)

Pig or Wild Boar (Visual Motif)

Poseidon/Neptune (Visual Motif)

Rabbit or Hare (Visual Motif)

Religious Symbol or Object (Visual Motif)

Roma (Visual Motif)

Satyr (Visual Motif)

Sarapis (Visual Motif)

Sexual Activity (Visual Motif)

Sheep (Visual Motif)

Shell (Visual Motif)

Silenos (Visual Motif)

Snake (Visual Motif)

Triton (Visual Motif)

Tyche/Fortuna (Visual Motif)

Weaponry and Armor (Visual Motif)

Zeus/Jupiter (Visual Motif)


Wood (Material)

Worked Bone

Worked Stone


Suggested citation
“KAA typology generic term.” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <http://kenchreai.org/typology/generic>