Classical-Hellenistic Miniature Lamp
Early Roman Athenian Lamp, alpha-ear
Early Roman Athenian Lamp, alpha-globule
Early Roman Regional Imitation or Copy of Athenian Lamp
Early Roman Corinthian Imitation or Copy of Italian Lamp
Early Roman Corinthian Lamp, Transitional
Early-Middle Roman Italian Lamp
Early-Middle Roman Asia Minor Lamp
Early-Middle Roman Asia Minor Lamp, Knidian
Early-Middle Roman Asia Minor Lamp, Pergamene
Early Roman Asia Minor Lamp, red-on-white
Early/Middle Roman Corinthian Lamp
Early/Middle Roman Corinthian Imitation or Copy of Asia Minor Lamp
Early-Middle Roman Corinthian Imitation or Copy of Athenian Lamp
Early/Middle Roman Corinthian Lamp, Palaimonion
Ephesian-type Hellenistic Lamp
Late Hellenistic Corinthian Copy or Adaptation of Asia Minor Lamp
African Red Slip Lamp Hayes Type I
African Red Slip Lamp Hayes Type II
Late Roman Athenian lamp, late glazed
Late Roman Athenian Lamp, imitation Asia Minor
Late Roman/Early Byzantine Athenian Lamp, copy or imitation North African
Late Roman Athenian Lamp, late unglazed (“postglaze”)
Late Roman Corinthian or Regional Copy of Earlier Corinthian Lamp
Late Roman Corinthian or Regional Lamp, copy/imitation Asia Minor
Late Roman Corinthian or Regional Lamp, copy/imitation Athenian
Late Roman Corinthian or Regional Copy of North African Lamp
Late Roman Corinthian or Regional Lamp, local design
Late Roman Regional Imitation or Copy of Syro-Palestinian Lamp
Late Roman-Early Byzantine Aegean Lamp
Late Roman-Early Byzantine Asia Minor Lamp
Late Roman/Early Byzantine Corinthian or Regional Lamp, imitation North African
Late Roman/Early Byzantine Corinthian or Regional Lamp, imitation Syro-Cypriot
Middle Roman Athenian Lamp, copy Corinthian
Middle Roman Athenian Lamp, globule-volute
Middle Roman Athenian Lamp, unglazed
Middle/Late Roman Athenian lamp, early glazed
Palestinian “Boot” or “Slipper“ Lamp