Late Roman Lamp [permalink] [show more links]
Typology Item
Belongs to Historical Period
Late Roman (Historical Period)
Linked to

African Red Slip Lamp

African Red Slip Lamp Hayes Type I

African Red Slip Lamp Hayes Type II

Late Roman Athenian Lamp

Late Roman Athenian lamp, late glazed

Late Roman Athenian Lamp, imitation Asia Minor

Late Roman/Early Byzantine Athenian Lamp, copy or imitation North African

Late Roman Athenian Lamp, late unglazed (“postglaze”)

Late Roman Corinthian Lamp

Late Roman Corinthian or Regional Copy of Earlier Corinthian Lamp

Late Roman Corinthian or Regional Lamp, copy/imitation Asia Minor

Late Roman Corinthian or Regional Lamp, copy/imitation Athenian

Late Roman Corinthian or Regional Copy of North African Lamp

Late Roman Corinthian or Regional Lamp, local design

Pontic Lamp

Late Roman Regional Imitation or Copy of Syro-Palestinian Lamp

Late Roman/Early Byzantine Corinthian or Regional Lamp, imitation North African

Late Roman/Early Byzantine Corinthian or Regional Lamp, imitation Syro-Cypriot

Middle/Late Roman Athenian lamp, early glazed

Suggested citation
“Late Roman Lamp.” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>