Athena/Minerva (Visual Motif) [permalink] [show more links]
Typology Item
Olympian Deity (Visual Motif)
Has gender
Female (Gender)
Linked to

KC045 (Early Classical stater from Corinth)

KC071 (Early Roman bronze coin of Athens)

KC078 (Late Classical bronze coin of Corinth)

KC079 (Late Hellenistic bronze coin of Patrae)

KC095 (Early Roman bronze coin of Marcus Aurelius from Pheneos)

KC104 (Early Roman obol of Athens)

KL034 (Middle Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL1989-003 (Early/Middle Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL274 (Middle Roman Athenian Lamp)

Co 25 (Late Hellenistic bronze coin of Athens)

Co 69 (Late Hellenistic bronze coin of Apamea)

Co 128 (Middle-Late Hellenistic bronze coin of Patrae)

Co 213 (Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of Alexander I Balas from Antioch)

Co 231 (Early Roman bronze coin of Athens)

Co 400 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of the Locrian League)

Co 508 (Middle-Late Hellenistic bronze coin of the Thessalian League)

Co 516 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Athens)

Co 525 (Late Hellenistic hemiobol of Patrae)

Co 528 (Early Roman bronze coin of Athens)

Co 539 (Late Hellenistic bronze coin of Athens)

Co 577 (Middle Roman drachma of Athens)

Co 605 (Late Hellenistic bronze coin of Athens)

Co 664 (Early Roman diassarion of Hadrian for the deified Antinoös from Epirote Nicopolis)

Co 683 (Early Roman hemiobol of Athens)

Co 688 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Athens)

Co 763 (Early Roman bronze coin of Athens)

Co 774 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Antigonos II Gonatas)

Co 782 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Athens)

Co 789 (Middle-Late Hellenistic bronze coin of the Thessalian League)

Co 791 (Early-Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of Athens)

Co 866 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of the Locrian League)

Co 870 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Myrina)

Co 941 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Antigonos II Gonatas)

Co 1063 (Late Hellenistic bronze coin of Athens)

Co 1292 (Early Roman assarion of Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus from Argos)

Co 1295 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Phocian League)

Co 1300 (Early Roman denarius of Hadrian from Rome)

Co 1307 (Early Roman obol of Athens)

Co 2075 (Late Hellenistic bronze coin from Athens)

KE 1311 (Middle-Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KE 1508 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

Suggested citation
“Athena/Minerva (Visual Motif).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2024. <>