Two-handled jar or “table amphora“. Thickened, everted rim with rounded lower profile. Narrow, cylindrical neck flares slightly. Vertical loop handles, oval in section, extend from low on neck to shoulder. Pronounced ridge on neck at level of handle attachments; three ridges just above handle attachment on body form two grooves. Painted decoration on large sherd: three large circles in dark (black?) paint at least partially extant on body below level of handle. One circle preserves radiating spokes, as many as 12, in alternative dark (black?) and red paint. On smaller sherd: circle with spokes in varied dark to red partially extant, though design obscured by wear; curvilinear dark stroke intersects with one spoke. A third circle is extant only over short stretch of outer diameter. Handle has single transverse stroke in dark paint. Two small patches of dark paint preserved on neck just above ridges that separate it from body.
Fabric, firing, and surface description
Granular fabric is fired to light red (10R 6/8) though some paler patches visible in break). There are frequent large rounded lime chunks, as well elongated and angular light chunks, some other small to tiny varied bits; occasional small, elongated voids. Surface worn and chipped, though some original light wash extant, slightly darker than fabric.
Preservation comment
Two non-joining sherds preserve rim, neck, and one handle, and upper wall. Non-joining sherd can be oriented by the presence of handle stub where lost handle was attached to body; this places opposite to the extant handle. Slight, extensive erosion and abrasion with large chips around edges; worn breaks; numerous specks of encrustation.
Published as
KenchreaiIV, p. 117, no. RC 21, pl. 27 (B. Adamsheck)
“KE 863 (Late Roman Nubian Painted Jar).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>