Hayes1985, p. 78 (misidentified as ESC Hayes Form 4; EAA-Atlante II)
High, vertical rim curves inward from slight carination; plain rounded lip. Nearly flat floor. Low ring foot has partly bevelled outer face and higher inner face.
Fabric, firing, and surface description
Very slightly granular fabric fired to light red with rare small lime; rare small flecks of golden mica; surface voids on exterior, and turning marks. Matte slip is flaking on interior rim, thinner on exterior surfaces.
Preservation comment
One large sherd preserves 22% of rim, 18% of base, and large part of body including full profile. Slight to moderate, somewhat extensive abrasion and pitting; mostly clean breaks.
Published as
KenchreaiIV, no. LRB 19, p. 93 (B. Adamsheck; misidentified as ESC Hayes Form 4)
“KE 2231 (Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 1A).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <http://kenchreai.org/ke/ke2231>