KI009 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Christian Greek Epitaph)
KI010 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Christian Greek Epitaph)
KI011 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Christian Greek Epitaph)
KI012 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Greek Inscription)
KI013 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Christian Greek Epitaph)
KI014 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Christian Greek Epitaph)
KI015 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Greek Inscription)
KI016 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Christian Greek Epitaph)
KI017 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Christian Greek Epitaph)
KI018 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Christian Greek Epitaph)
KI019 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Greek Inscription)
KI020 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Greek Inscription)
KI021 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Christian Greek Epitaph)
KI022 (Early Roman Latin Inscription)
KI023 (Late Roman Greek Inscription)
KI024 (Early Roman Latin Inscription)
KI025 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Christian Greek Epitaph)
KI027 (Late Roman-Early Byzntine Greek Epitaph)
KI028 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Christian Greek Epitaph)
KI029 (Early Roman Latin Inscription)
KI001 (Late Roman Greek Inscription: epitaph?)
KI008 (Early-Middle Roman Latin Epitaph)
KI1988-001 (Early Roman Latin Epitaph)
KI1988-002 (Early Roman Latin Epitaph)
KI1990-001 (Late Roman Greek Epitaph)
KE 46 (Marble Cross with Greek Christian Inscription)
KE 83 (Marble Templon Screen with Christian Liturgical Inscription)
KE 85 (Marble Templon Screen with Cross)
KE 88 (Marble Templon Screen with Inscriptions)
KE 180 (Inscribed column in Proconnesian marble)
KE 500 (Marble Templon Screen with Christian Liturgical Inscription)
KE 790 (Greek Christian Epitaph)
KE 791 (Greek Christian Dedication)
KE 809 (Early Roman Latin Epitaph)
KE 810 (Early Roman Greek Epitaph)
KE 811 (Early Roman Greek Dedicatory Inscription)
KE 812 (Late Roman Greek Acclamation[?])
KE 837 (Late Roman Greek Inscribed Column)
KE 1350 (Monumental Latin Inscription)
KE 1358 (Limestone Block with Incised Decoration or Inscription)
KE 1400 (Monumental Latin Epitaph)
KE 1602 (Ansate Latin Inscription)
KE 1603 (Early/Middle Roman Greek Dedication?)
KE 1913 (Monumental Greek Inscription)
KE 1914 (Monumental Greek Inscription)
KE 1915 (Monumental Greek Inscription)
KE 1916 (Monumental Greek Inscription)
KE 1934 (Monumental Greek Inscription)
KE 2078 (Late Archaic-Early Classical Greek Epitaph)
KE 2082 (Impost Capital with Christogram)
KE 2120 (Monumental Greek Inscription)