Late Roman C Ware [permalink] [show more links]
Typology Item
Slipped Table Wares
LRPSuppl pp. 525-527 (“Phocaean Red Slip Ware“)
LRP pp. 323-370 (“Late Roman C Ware“)
Waage1933, pp. 298-304 (Athenian Agora)
Has geographic origin
Asia Minor
Belongs to Historical Period
Early Byzantine (Historical Period)
Belongs to Historical Period
Late Roman (Historical Period)
Linked to

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 1

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 10

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 10A

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 10B

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 10C

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 1A

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 2

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 2A

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 2B

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 2C

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 3

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 3B

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 3C

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 3E

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 3F

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 3G

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 3H

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 4

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 5

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 5A

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 5B

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 6

Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 8

Late Roman C Ware with Stamped Decoration

Unclassified Late Roman C Ware

Suggested citation
“Late Roman C Ware.” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>