KTH1217+2002 (Late Roman Amphora 2)
KTH1692+2010 (Late Roman Amphora 4)
KTH1957 (Late Roman/Early Byzantine Regional Lamp)
KTH1995 (Early Byzantine Regional Amphora)
KTH1996 (Late Roman Amphora 2: sherd with dipinto)
KTH1998 (Late Roman Amphora 1)
KTH1999 (Middle Roman Amphora 5)
KTH2001+2003+2766 (Late Roman Amphora 2)
KTH2002+1217 (Late Roman Amphora 2)
KTH2003+2001+2766 (Late Roman Amphora 2)
KTH2004 (Late Roman Regional Funnel)
KTH2005 (Late Roman Amphora 5)
KTH2006 (Late Roman Amphora 5)
KTH2007 (Kenchreai RC22 Amphora)
KTH2008 (Late Roman Amphora 2)
KTH2009 (Late Roman Amphora 2: sherd with dipinto)
KTH2010+1692 (Late Roman Amphora 4)
KTH2011 (African Red-Slip Hayes Form 50A/B)
KTH2012 (Late Roman Ephesian Jug)
KTH2013 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Galilean Percolator)
KTH2015 (Late Roman Amphora 2)
KTH2016 (Late Roman Tunisian Mortarium)
KTH2017 (Late Roman Regional Jug)
KTH2018 (Eastern Thin-Walled-Ware Mug)
KTH2019 (Phocaean Red-Slip Hayes Form 10A)
KTH2127 (Eastern Sigillata C Small Bowl)
KTH2491 (Late Roman Amphora 5)
KTH2766+2001+2003 (Late Roman Amphora 2)