KM195 (Knidian Relief-Ware Patera, Zoomorphic Handle)
Co 93 (Venetian tornesello of Antonio Venier)
Co 192 (Venetian tornesello of Andrea Contarini)
Co 298 (Late Roman bronze coin of Leo I from Constantinople)
Co 310 (Late Roman bronze coin of Leo I from Antioch)
Co 327 (Late Roman bronze coin of Leo I from Constantinople)
Co 344 (Late Roman bronze coin of Justinian I from Rome)
Co 388 (Late Roman bronze coin of Leo I from Heraclea)
Co 391 (Late Roman bronze coin of Leo I from Constantinople)
Co 399 (Late Roman bronze coin of Leo I from Cyzicus)
Co 496 (Venetian tornesello of Francesco Foscari)
Co 502 (Venetian soldino of Francesco Dandolo)
Co 519 (Late Roman bronze coin of Leo I from Cyzicus)
Co 597 (Late Roman bronze coin of Leo I from Constantinople)
Co 599 (Late Roman bronze coin of Leo I from Antioch)
Co 606 (Venetian late colonial gazzetta)
Co 809 (Late Roman bronze coin of Justinian I from Rome)
Co 842 (Middle Roman follis of Constantius Chlorus Caesar from Carthage)
Co 883 (Venetian tornesello of Andrea Contarini)
Co 908 (Venetian late colonial gazzetta)
Co 980 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Miletos)
Co 1016 (Venetian tornesello of Marco Cornaro)
Co 1087 (Venetian tornesello of Giovanni Dolfin)
Co 1131 (Venetian late colonial gazzetta)
Co 1135 (Late Roman bronze coin of Leo I from Alexandria)
Co 1146 (Late Roman bronze coin of Justinian I from Rome)
Co 1279 (Middle Roman assarion of Philip I from Viminacium)
Co 1329 (Venetian tornesello of Antonio Venier)
Co 1340 (Late Roman bronze coin of Leo I from Constantinople)
Co 1352 (Late Roman bronze coin of Leo I)
KE 249 (Late Roman C Ware Stamp)
KE 307 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic Conical Loom Weight)
KE 735+753 (Middle/Late Roman Athenian Lamp)
KE 937 (Middle/Late Roman Athenian Lamp)
KE 1111 (Early Roman Asia Minor Lamp)
KE 1403 (Early Roman Asia Minor Lamp)
KE 1515 (Late Roman North African Lamp)
KE 1901 (Middle/Late Roman Athenian Lamp)
KE 2265 (Knidian Relief-Ware Patera, Emblema)
Ke 2455 (Late Roman Corinthian Lamp)