Late Roman Amphora 3 [permalink] [show more links]
Typology Item
Not after (date)
Not before (date)
See also
Typological identification comment
Also known as Benghazi LRA10, Keay 54 bis, Kuzmanov 7, Peacock & Williams Class 45, Scorpan 5, and Zeest 95.
EphesosXV.1, pp. 164-167, Type 55
Pieri2005, pp. 94-101
This small Late Antique form made in western Asia Minor is the successor to the earlier one-handled “Micaceous Water Jar” and Middle Roman Amphora 3. Distinguished by its thin walls that show wide, spiralling ridges and by its micaceous brown fabric, with a smooth, even soapy surface texture. The form displays a shift over time from one to two handles and from a hollow to a closed spike.
Has geographic origin
Asia Minor
Belongs to Historical Period
Early Byzantine (Historical Period)
Belongs to Historical Period
Late Roman (Historical Period)
Linked to

KP1988-009 (Late Roman Amphora 3)

KE 2282 (Late Roman Amphora 3)

KE 2284 (Late Roman Amphora 3)

KTH0297 (Late Roman Amphora 3)

KTH0687 (Late Roman Amphora 3)

KTH0754 (Late Roman Amphora 3)

KTH0868 (Late Roman Amphora 3)

KTH1018 (Late Roman Amphora 3)

KTH1054 (Late Roman Amphora 3)

KTH1122 (Late Roman Amphora 3)

KTH1388 (Late Roman Amphora 3)

KTH1391 (Late Roman Amphora 3)

KTH1612 (Late Roman Amphora 3)

KTH1864 (Late Roman Amphora 3)

KTH1984 (Late Roman Amphora 3)

KTH2107 (Late Roman Amphora 3)

KTH2124 (Late Roman Amphora 3)

KTH2146 (Late Roman Amphora 3)

KTH2192 (Late Roman Amphora 3)

KTH2206 (Late Roman Amphora 3)

KTH2389 (Late Roman Amphora 3)

KTH2682 (Late Roman Amphora 3)

KTH2716 (Middle Roman/Late Roman Amphora 3)

KTH2723 (Late Roman Amphora 3)

KTH2739 (Late Roman Amphora 3)

Suggested citation
“Late Roman Amphora 3.” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>