Spatheion [permalink] [show more links]
Typology Item
Typological identification comment
Various forms are also classified as Benghazi LRA8, Keay 26, and Peacock & Williams Class 51.
Belongs to Historical Period
Early Byzantine (Historical Period)
Belongs to Historical Period
Late Roman (Historical Period)
Linked to

KTH0002 (Spatheion)

KTH1095+1100+2391 (Spatheion?)

KTH1100+1095+2391 (Spatheion?)

KTH1280 (Spatheion)

KTH2159 (Late Roman North African Amphora)

KTH2391+1095+1100 (Spatheion?)

KTH2676 (Spatheion)

Suggested citation
“Spatheion.” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>