Bronze (Material) [permalink] [show more links]
Typology Item
See also
Metal (Material)
Linked to

KC026 (Middle Byzantine tetarteron of Alexios I from Thessalonica)

KC027 (Early Roman sestertius of Hadrian from Rome)

KC028 (Early Roman sestertius of Hadrian from Rome)

KC029 (Early Roman sestertius of Trajan from Rome)

KC030 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Constantinople)

KC031 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantine I from Constantinople)

KC032 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin, Anonymous Macedonian royal issue)

KC033 (Early-Middle Byzantine follis of Romanos I from Constantinople)

KC034 (Late Roman bronze coin of Honorius or Theodosius II from Constantinople)

KC035 (Early Roman as of Galba from Corinth)

KC036 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Rome, pierced)

KC037 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine pentanummion of Justin II and Sophia from Constantinople)

KC038 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II and Constans for the deified Constantine from Cyzicus)

KC039 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius I from Heraclea)

KC040 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius Gallus from Thessalonica)

KC041 (Early-Middle Hellenistic hemiobol of Ptolemy III from Corinth)

KC042 (Late Roman bronze coin)

KC043 (Early Roman as of Tiberius for the deified Augustus from Corinth)

KC046 (Early-Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of Sikyon)

KC048 (Early Roman diassarion(?) of Hadrian from Corinth)

KC049 (Early Roman diassarion(?) of Antoninus Pius from Corinth)

KC050 (Early Roman as of Nero from Corinth)

KC051 (Early-Middle Hellenistic dichalkon of Pheneos)

KC052 (Early Hellenistic hemiobol from Athens)

KC053 (Early-Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of Sikyon)

KC054 (Late Roman bronze coin of Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, or Arcadius)

KC055 (Middle-Late Roman bronze coin)

KC056 (Late Classical bronze coin of Phlius)

KC057 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic dichalkon(?) of Sikyon)

KC058 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin from Sikyon)

KC059 (Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of the Boeotian League)

KC060 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

KC061 (Early Roman as of Caligula from Corinth)

KC062 (Early-Middle Byzantine follis of Romanos I from Constantinople)

KC063 (Early Roman bronze coin of Antoninus Pius from Pisidian Antioch)

KC064 (Late Hellenistic bronze coin of Sikyon)

KC065 (Late Classical hemiobol of Sikyon)

KC066 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of the Arcadian League)

KC067 (Early-Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of Ptolemy III from Corinth)

KC069 (Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of Sikyon)

KC070 (Late Roman bronze coin of Libius Severus from Rome)

KC071 (Early Roman bronze coin of Athens)

KC072 (Early-Middle Roman diassarion of Commodus from Patrae)

KC073 (Middle Byzantine tetarteron of John II from Thessalonica)

KC074 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius II?)

KC075 (Late Roman dodekanummion of Justinian I from Alexandria)

KC076 (Middle Byzantine follis of Constantine VII from Constantinople)

KC077 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Thessalonica)

KC078 (Late Classical bronze coin of Corinth)

KC079 (Late Hellenistic bronze coin of Patrae)

KC080 (Early Roman as from Corinth)

KC081 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius II?)

KC082 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III from Rome)

KC083 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius II from Alexandria)

KC084 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Arcadius, or Honorius)

KC085 (Late Roman bronze coin of Honorius from Aquileia)

KC086 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II from Heraclea)

KC087 (Middle-Late Hellenistic tetrachalkon of Megara)

KC088 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Arcadius, or Honorius)

KC089 (Late Roman bronze coin of Marcian)

KC090 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius II from Constantinople)

KC091 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Constantinople)

KC092 (Late Roman bronze coin of Honorius or Theodosius II from Constantinople)

KC093 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II, Constantius Gallus, or Julian II Caesar)

KC094 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantine II from Siscia)

KC095 (Early Roman bronze coin of Marcus Aurelius from Corinth)

KC096 (Early Byzantine follis of Phocas from Antioch-Theupolis)

KC097 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II from Cyzicus)

KC098 (Late Roman bronze coin of Honorius)

KC099 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantine II from Rome)

KC100 (Middle Byzantine follis, Anonymous Class A2)

KC101 (Late Roman follis of Justinian I from Constantinople)

KC102 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine pentanummion of Justin II and Sophia from Cyzicus)

KC103 (Early Roman as of Augustus from Corinth)

KC104 (Early Roman obol of Athens)

KM156 (Bronze nail)

KM162 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Bronze pendant cross)

KM167 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Miniature Bronze Spoon)

KM169 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Bronze Pendant Bell with Iron Clapper)

KM170 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Bronze Lentoid Button)

KM176 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Bronze earring)

KM180 (Early Byzantine Bronze Buckle)

KM181 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Zoomorphic Bronze Buckle)

KM182 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Bronze Polygonal Pendant)

KM186 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Bronze earring)

KM188 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Bronze pendant bell with iron clapper)

KM191 (Bronze nail)

KM192 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Bronze Earring)

KM193 (Early-Middle Roman Bronze Finger Ring with Cornelian Intaglio)

KM198 (Early-Middle Roman Bronze Finger Ring)

KM203 (Bronze Needle)

KM204 (Bronze Nail)

KM207 (Bronze nail)

KM208 (Bronze nail)

KM215 (Classical-Early Roman Bronze Arrowhead)

KM220 (Early-Middle Roman Bronze Finger Ring)

KM221 (Early-Middle Roman Bronze Finger Ring)

KM228 (Bronze nail)

KM241 (Bronze nail)

KM250 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Miniature Bronze Spoon)

KM258 (Bronze fishhook)

KM273 (Bronze nail)

KM275 (Early-Middle Roman Bronze Finger Ring)

KM283 (Bronze thimble)

KM284 (Bronze nail)

KM287 (Bronze nail)

KM288 (Bronze nail)

KM314 (Early-Middle Roman Bronze Wire: cup handle?)

KM331 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Bronze Needle)

KM030 (Bronze Sheeting or Blade)

KM031 (Bronze Earring)

KM078 (Bronze Nail)

KM083 (Iron and Bronze Pins(?))

KM102 (Bronze Pin)

KM136 (Bronze Mirror)

KM1969-023 (Bronze Pin or Nail)

KM1969-024 (Bronze Sheathing)

KM1969-025 (Bronze Sheathing)

KM1969-027 (Bronze Rim or Grommet)

KM1976-002 (Bronze Miniature Spoon)

KM1989-053 (Bronze Sheathing: Cap or Finial?)

KM1990-002 (Bronze Hasp)

Co 1 (Middle Roman radiate fraction of Maximian from Cyzicus)

Co 2 (Middle Byzantine follis, Anonymous Class K)

Co 3 (Middle Roman sestertius of Gordian III from Rome)

Co 4 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 5 (Early Roman assarion of Trajan from Corinth)

Co 6 (Middle Roman sestertius of Commodus from Rome)

Co 8 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Sikyon)

Co 9 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Constantinople)

Co 10 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 11 (Byzantine bronze coin)

Co 12 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II from Constantinople)

Co 13 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 14 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 15 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Constantinople)

Co 16 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II)

Co 17 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 18 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II)

Co 20 (Early-Middle Roman bronze coin)

Co 21 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 22 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II)

Co 23 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 24 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 25 (Late Hellenistic bronze coin of Athens)

Co 26 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Constantinople)

Co 28 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II from Constantinople)

Co 29 (Early Roman assarion of Marcus Aurelius from Sparta)

Co 31 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 32 (Early-Middle Roman bronze coin)

Co 33 (Early-Middle Roman bronze coin)

Co 34 (Early Roman as of Augustus from Corinth)

Co 35 (Early-Middle Roman bronze coin)

Co 38 (Early Roman diassarion of Antoninus Pius from Argos)

Co 39

Co 40

Co 41

Co 42 (Middle Byzantine follis, Anonymous Class D)

Co 43

Co 44

Co 45 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine half-follis of Justin II from Thessalonica)

Co 46 (Late Roman bronze coin of the deified Constantine)

Co 47 (Late Roman bronze coin from Thessalonica)

Co 48

Co 49 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantine II Caesar from Heraclea)

Co 50 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 51 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 52 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Aquileia)

Co 53 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II and Constans for the deified Constantine)

Co 54 (Byzantine bronze coin)

Co 55 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 56 (Late Republican as of Corinth)

Co 57 (Early Roman as of Tiberius from Corinth)

Co 58

Co 59

Co 61 (Late Roman bronze coin of Licinius II from Heraclea)

Co 65 (Early Roman semis from Corinth)

Co 66

Co 67

Co 68 (Late Roman follis of Constantine)

Co 69 (Late Hellenistic bronze coin of Apamea)

Co 70 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II or Julian II Caesar from Antioch)

Co 71 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valens)

Co 72 (Early Roman as of Augustus in the name of Germanicus from Corinth)

Co 73

Co 75 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 76

Co 77

Co 78 (Late Roman follis of Constantine I from Rome)

Co 79 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine bronze coin of Justin II and Sophia)

Co 81 (Early-Middle Roman bronze coin)

Co 82 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius)

Co 83 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius I)

Co 84 (Middle Roman assarion of Marcus Aurelius from Corinth)

Co 85 (Late Roman half-follis of Justin I from Constantinople)

Co 86 (Middle Roman antoninianus of Probus)

Co 87 (Late Republican as of Corinth)

Co 88 (Classical-Hellenistic bronze coin)

Co 89 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius I)

Co 90 (Middle Roman sestertius of Maximinus I from Rome)

Co 91 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 92 (Late Republican as of Corinth)

Co 94 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius)

Co 95

Co 96

Co 97

Co 98 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II)

Co 99 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius I from Cyzicus)

Co 100 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Heraclea)

Co 101

Co 102

Co 103

Co 104 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 105

Co 106 (Late Roman bronze coin from Constantinople)

Co 107 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius II from Constantinople)

Co 108 (Middle Roman antoninianus of Aurelian)

Co 110 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 111 (Middle Roman follis of Diocletian)

Co 113

Co 114 (Late Roman bronze coin from Constantinople)

Co 115 (Middle Roman half-tetarteron of Manuel I)

Co 116 (Middle Byzantine half-tetarteron of Manuel I)

Co 117 (Early-Middle Byzantine follis of Romanos I from Constantinople)

Co 119

Co 120 (Early Roman bronze coin of Hadrian from Corinth)

Co 122 (Early Roman bronze coin of Hadrian from Corinth)

Co 123 (Early Roman as of Galba from Corinth)

Co 124 (Late Roman bronze coin from Constantinople)

Co 125 (Middle Byzantine follis, Anonymous Class A)

Co 127 (Middle Roman sestertius of Commodus from Rome)

Co 128 (Middle-Late Hellenistic bronze coin of Patrae)

Co 129 (Late Roman half-follis of Justinian)

Co 130

Co 131 (Middle Roman assarion of Septimius Severus from Corinth)

Co 132 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Argos)

Co 134 (Early Roman bronze obol[?] of Trajan from Alexandria)

Co 136

Co 137 (Late Hellenistic bronze coin of Sikyon)

Co 138 (Middle Roman dekassarion of Gallienus from Argos)

Co 139 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantinople)

Co 140 (Late Republican quadrans of Corinth)

Co 141 (Middle Byzantine half-tetarteron of Manuel I)

Co 147

Co 148 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Athens)

Co 149

Co 150

Co 151 (Middle-Late Hellenistic bronze coin of the Thessalian League)

Co 152 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II Caesar from Nicomedia)

Co 153 (Early Roman as of Tiberius from Corinth)

Co 154 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantine II from Thessalonica)

Co 155 (Early Roman as of Tiberius from Corinth)

Co 156 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Heraclea)

Co 157 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius I)

Co 158 (Late Roman bronze coin from Antioch)

Co 159 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II)

Co 160 (Early-Middle Hellenistic hemiobol of Ptolemy III from Corinth with countermarks)

Co 161 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 162 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Constantinople)

Co 163 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 164

Co 165

Co 166 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius II from Cyzicus)

Co 167 (Early Byzantine follis of Constans II from Constantinople)

Co 168 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 169 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 170

Co 171 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 172

Co 173

Co 174 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine pentanummion)

Co 175

Co 176 (Late Roman bronze coin in the name of the deified Constantine)

Co 177 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 178

Co 179 (Late Roman dekanummion of Justinian I from Constantinople)

Co 180

Co 188 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Antioch)

Co 189 (Early Roman as of Galba from Corinth)

Co 190 (Late Roman dekanummion of Justinian I from Constantinople)

Co 191 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II)

Co 193 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 194 (Early Hellenistic chalkous of Corinth)

Co 195 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine pentanummion of Justin II and Sophia from Cyzicus)

Co 197 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine pentanummion of Justin II and Sophia from Constantinople)

Co 198 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantine I from Constantinople)

Co 199 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine half-follis of Tiberius II)

Co 200 (Early Roman as of Tiberius from Corinth)

Co 201 (Early Roman as of Augustus in the name of Germanicus from Corinth)

Co 202 (Middle Byzantine tetarteron of Alexios I from Thessalonica)

Co 203 (Early Byzantine half-follis of Phocas from Constantinople)

Co 204 (Early Byzantine follis of Constans II from Constantinople)

Co 205 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 206 (Late Roman bronze coin of Procopius from Constantinople with countermark)

Co 207 (Late Hellenistic bronze coin of Euboean Chalcis)

Co 208 (Early Roman assarion of Marcus Aurelius in the name of Commodus Caesar from Corinth)

Co 209 (Middle Byzantine tetarteron of Alexios I from Constantinople)

Co 210 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constans I from Thessalonica)

Co 211 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 212 (Early Roman assarion of Marcus Aurelius from Sparta)

Co 213 (Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of Alexander I Balas from Antioch)

Co 214 (Middle Byzantine follis, Anonymous Class K)

Co 215 (Middle Byzantine tetarteron of Alexios I from Thessalonica)

Co 217 (Late Roman half-follis)

Co 218 (Late Roman bronze coin of Leo I from Thessalonica)

Co 219

Co 220

Co 221 (Late Republican as of Corinth)

Co 222 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic coin of Corinth)

Co 223 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Rome)

Co 224 (Early Roman as of Augustus in the name of Tiberius from Corinth)

Co 225 (Late Hellenistic bronze coin of Sikyon)

Co 226 (Early Roman semis of Augustus from Corinth)

Co 227 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 228 (Early Roman as of Nero from Corinth)

Co 229 (Late Republican semis of Corinth)

Co 230 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II, Constans I, or Constantius Gallus)

Co 231 (Early Roman bronze coin of Athens)

Co 232 (Middle Roman antoninianus of Gallienus from Milan)

Co 233 (Middle Byzantine follis, Anonymous Class K)

Co 234 (Hellenistic bronze coin of Sikyon)

Co 235 (Early Roman assarion of Hadrian from Corinth)

Co 236 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius Gallus from Cyzicus)

Co 237 (Early-Middle Hellenistic hemiobol of Ptolemy III from Corinth)

Co 238 (Early Roman as of Caligula from Corinth)

Co 239 (Middle Roman assarion of Geta from Psophis)

Co 240 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 241 (Middle Byzantine tetarteron of Alexios I)

Co 242 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian I)

Co 243 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II from Nicomedia)

Co 244 (Middle Byzantine tetarteron of Manuel I from Thessalonica)

Co 245 (Early Roman as of Augustus from Corinth)

Co 246 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Antioch)

Co 247 (Middle Byzantine half-tetarteron of Manuel I)

Co 248 (Early Roman as of Tiberius from Corinth)

Co 249 (Early Roman as of Nero from Corinth)

Co 250 (Early Roman as of Augustus for Gaius and Lucius from Corinth)

Co 251 (Late Republican as of Mark Antony Imperator)

Co 252 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin from Corinth)

Co 253 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin from Argos)

Co 254 (Early Roman hemiassarion(?) of Domitian from Thespiae)

Co 255 (Early-Middle Hellenistic hemiobol of Ptolemy III from Corinth with countermark)

Co 256 (Middle Byzantine half-tetarteron of Manuel I)

Co 257 (Early Roman as of Caligula from Corinth)

Co 258 (Middle Byzantine half-tetarteron of Manuel I from Thessalonica)

Co 259 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 260 (Late Republican as of Corinth)

Co 261 (Middle Byzantine half-tetarteron of John II from Thessalonica)

Co 262 (Middle Byzantine tetarteron of Alexios I from Thessalonica)

Co 263 (Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of the Epirote League)

Co 264 (Early Roman as of Galba from Corinth)

Co 265 (Early Roman as of Nero from Corinth)

Co 266 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantine I from Siscia)

Co 267 (Late Republican semis of Corinth)

Co 268 (Early Roman as of Nero from Corinth)

Co 269 (Early Roman as of Augustus in the name of Tiberius from Corinth)

Co 270 (Early-Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of Sikyon)

Co 271 (Late Classical bronze coin of Sikyon)

Co 272 (Early Roman as of Tiberius for the deified Augustus from Corinth)

Co 273 (Late Republican as of Julius Caesar from Corinth with countermarks)

Co 274 (Late Roman bronze coin of Anastasius I from Constantinople)

Co 275 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine half-follis of Justin II from Thessalonica)

Co 276 (Late Republican as of Corinth)

Co 277 (Early Roman as of Caligula from Corinth)

Co 278 (Early Roman as of Augustus in the name of Agrippa Postumus from Corinth)

Co 279 (Late Roman bronze coin of Baduila in the name of Anastasius I from Pavia)

Co 280 (Late Roman bronze coin of Zeno from Constantinople)

Co 281 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 282 (Late Roman bronze coin of Zeno from Thessalonica)

Co 284 (Early Roman as of Tiberius for the deified Augustus from Corinth)

Co 285 (Late Roman half-follis of Justinian I from Thessalonica)

Co 286 (Late Roman dekanummion of Justinian I from Constantinople)

Co 287 (Late Roman dekanummion of Justinian I from Constantinople)

Co 288 (Late Roman dekanummion of Justinian I from Constantinople)

Co 289 (Late Roman bronze coin of Vandal Carthage)

Co 290 (Late Roman bronze coin of Vandal Carthage)

Co 291 (Late Roman bronze coin of Vandal Carthage)

Co 292 (Late Roman bronze coin of Justinian I from Carthage)

Co 293 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Constantinople)

Co 294 (Late Roman bronze coin of Gelimer from Carthage)

Co 295 (Late Roman bronze coin of Hilderic from Carthage)

Co 296 (Late Roman bronze coin of Baduila in the name of Anastasius I from Pavia)

Co 297 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius II from Constantinople)

Co 298 (Late Roman bronze coin of Leo I from Constantinople)

Co 299 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 300 (Late Roman bronze coin of Basiliscus and Marcus from Constantinople)

Co 301 (Late Roman bronze coin of Anastasius from Constantinople)

Co 302 (Late Roman bronze coin of Hilderic from Carthage)

Co 303 (Late Roman bronze coin of Anastasius I from Constantinople)

Co 304 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 305 (Late Roman bronze coin of Anastasius I from Constantinople)

Co 306 (Late Roman bronze coin of justinian I)

Co 307 (Late Roman bronze coin of Justinian I from Carthage)

Co 308 (Late Roman bronze coin of Leo I from Constantinople)

Co 309 (Late Roman bronze coin of Justinian I from Carthage)

Co 310 (Late Roman bronze coin of Leo I from Antioch)

Co 311 (Late Roman bronze coin of Anastasius I from Constantinople)

Co 312 (Late Roman bronze coin of Leo I from Constantinople)

Co 313 (Late Roman bronze coin of Anastasius I from Constantinople)

Co 314 (Late Roman bronze coin of Justinian I or Justin II from Carthage)

Co 315 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius)

Co 316 (Late Roman bronze coin of Justinian I)

Co 317 (Late Roman pentanummion of Justin I from Constantinople)

Co 318 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Alexandria)

Co 319 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius II from Cyzicus)

Co 320 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodoric in the name of Anastasius I from Ravenna)

Co 321 (Late Roman bronze coin of Marcian from Cyzicus)

Co 322 (Late Roman bronze coin of Justinian I form Carthage)

Co 323 (Late Roman bronze coin of Anastasius I from Constantinople)

Co 324 (Late Roman bronze coin of Marcian)

Co 325 (Late Roman bronze coin of Justinian I)

Co 326 (Late Roman bronze coin of Justinian I or Justin II from Carthage)

Co 327 (Late Roman bronze coin of Leo I from Constantinople)

Co 328 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 329 (Late Roman bronze coin of Justinian I from Constantinople)

Co 330 (Late Roman bronze coin of Justinian I from Constantinople)

Co 331 (Late Roman bronze coin of Justinian I from Constantinople)

Co 332 (Late Roman bronze coin of Anastasius I from Constantinople)

Co 333 (Late Roman bronze coin of Anastasius I from Constantinople)

Co 334 (Late Roman bronze coin of Leo I)

Co 335 (Late Roman bronze coin of Baduila in the name of Anastasius I from Pavia)

Co 336 (Late Roman bronze coin of Zeno from Constantinople or Antioch)

Co 337 (Late Roman bronze coin of Justinian I from Carthage)

Co 338 (Late Roman bronze coin of Justinian I from Carthage)

Co 339 (Late Roman bronze coin of Baduila in the name of Anastasius I from Pavia)

Co 340 (Late Roman pentanummion of Justin I from Constantinople)

Co 341 (Late Roman bronze coin from Vandal Carthage)

Co 342 (Late Roman bronze coin of Leo I from Constantinople)

Co 343 (Late Roman bronze coin of Justinian I from Carthage)

Co 344 (Late Roman bronze coin of Justinian I from Rome)

Co 345 (Late Roman bronze coin of Leo I from Constantinople)

Co 346 (Late Roman bronze coin of Leo I from Alexandria)

Co 347 (Late Roman bronze coin of Zeno from Constantinople or Antioch)

Co 348 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 349 (Late Roman bronze coin of Hilderic from Carthage)

Co 350 (Late Roman bronze coin from Vandal Carthage)

Co 351 (Late Roman bronze coin of Zeno from Constantinople, Cyzicus, or Antioch)

Co 352 (Late Roman bronze coin from Vandal Carthage)

Co 353 (Late Roman bronze coin of Anastasius I from Constantinople)

Co 354 (Late Roman bronze coin of Anastasius I from Constantinople)

Co 355 (Late Roman bronze coin of Justinian I from Constantinople)

Co 356 (Late Roman bronze coin of Marcian from Constantinople)

Co 357 (Late Roman pentanummion of Justin I from Antioch)

Co 358 (Late Roman half-follis of Justinian I from Antioch-Theupolis)

Co 359 (Late Roman follis of Justinian I from Constantinople)

Co 360 (Late Roman half-follis of Justinian I from Constantinople)

Co 361 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 362 (Late Roman bronze coin from Vandal Carthage)

Co 363 (Late Roman bronze coin from Vandal Carthage)

Co 364 (Late Roman bronze coin from Vandal Carthage)

Co 365 (Late Roman bronze coin from Vandal Carthage)

Co 366 (Late Roman pentanummion of Justin II and Sophia from Constantinople)

Co 367 (Late Roman pentanummion of Justin II and Sophia from Thessalonica)

Co 368 (Late Roman pentanummion of Justin II and Sophia from Constantinople)

Co 369 (Late Roman bronze coin of Zeno from Antioch)

Co 370 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 371 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 372 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 373 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 374 (Late Roman pentanummion for Justin I from Antioch)

Co 375 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 376 (Late Roman bronze coin of Zeno from Antioch)

Co 377 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 378 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 379a (Late Roman bronze coin of Anastasius I from Constantinople)

Co 379b (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 380 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 381 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 382 (Late Roman dekanummion of Justinian I from Thessalonica)

Co 383 (Late Roman bronze coin of Odovacar from Ravenna)

Co 384 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 385 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 386 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 387 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 388 (Late Roman bronze coin of Leo I from Heraclea)

Co 389 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 390 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 391 (Late Roman bronze coin of Leo I from Constantinople)

Co 393 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II, Constantius Gallus, or Julian II Caesar)

Co 394 (Late Roman pentanummion of Justin II and Sophia from Constantinople)

Co 395 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin from Carthage with countermark)

Co 396 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 397 (Late Republican semis of Augustus from Corinth)

Co 398 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II)

Co 399 (Late Roman bronze coin of Leo I from Cyzicus)

Co 400 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of the Locrian League)

Co 401 (Late Republican as of Corinth)

Co 402 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 403 (Late Roman bronze coin of Gratian from Antioch)

Co 404 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Cyzicus)

Co 405 (Early-Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of Delos)

Co 407 (Late Roman bronze coin of Leo I from Thessalonica)

Co 408 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 409 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius II from Cyzicus)

Co 410 (Late Roman bronze coin of Honorius from Heraclea)

Co 411 (Middle Byzantine follis, Anonymous Class A2)

Co 412 (Early Byzantine half-follis of Constans II from Constantinople)

Co 414 (Early Roman diassarion of Hadrian from Argos)

Co 415 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III from Rome)

Co 416 (Middle Byzantine tetarteron of Alexios I from Thessalonica)

Co 417 (Early Roman as of Domitian from Corinth)

Co 418 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valens from Thessalonica)

Co 419 (Middle-Late Hellenistic hemiobol of Ptolemy III from Corinth with countermark)

Co 420 (Early Roman assarion of Marcus Aurelius from Argos)

Co 421 (Middle Hellenistic chalkous of Sikyon)

Co 422 (Early-Middle Hellenistic chalkous of Sikyon)

Co 423 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 424 (Early-Middle Byzantine follis of Romanos I from Constantinople)

Co 425 (Late Roman bronze coin of Julian II Caesar from Alexandria)

Co 426 (Hellenistic bronze coin)

Co 427 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine half-follis of Justin II from Thessalonica)

Co 429 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 430 (Middle Byzantine half-tetarteron of Manuel I)

Co 431 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 432 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 433 (Late Roman follis of Justin I from Constantinople)

Co 434 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian I from Thessalonica)

Co 435 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 436 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Constantinople)

Co 437 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 438 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valens from Heraclea)

Co 439 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 440 (Middle Byzantine tetarteron)

Co 441 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 442 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 443 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius or Honorius from Constantinople)

Co 444 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 445 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 446 (Early-Middle Byzantine follis of Romanos I from Constantinople)

Co 447 (Late Roman bronze coin of Baduila in the name of Anastasius I from Pavia)

Co 448 (Late Roman bronze coin of Vandal Carthage)

Co 449 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Constantinople)

Co 450 (Late Roman pentanummion of Anastasius I from Antioch)

Co 451 (Early Roman as of Augustus for Julius Caesar from Corinth)

Co 452 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valens from Alexandria)

Co 453 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 454 (Late Roman pentanummion of Justinian I from Constantinople)

Co 455 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Constantinople)

Co 456 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 457 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 458 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine follis of Justin II from Constantinople)

Co 459 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Nicomedia)

Co 460 (Early Roman semis of Augustus from Corinth)

Co 461 (Late Roman bronze coin of Honorius from Constantinople)

Co 462 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius I from Siscia)

Co 463 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius or Honorius)

Co 464 (Middle Roman sestertius of Julia Mamaea from Rome)

Co 465 (Late Republican as of Corinth)

Co 466 (Late Roman pentanummion of Justinian I from Nicomedia)

Co 467 (Late Roman bronze coin of Anastasius I from Constantinople)

Co 468 (Late Roman bronze coin of Justinian I from Carthage)

Co 469 (Middle Roman diassarion of Caracalla from Argos)

Co 471 (Late Roman bronze coin of Gratian from Thessalonica)

Co 472 (Middle Republican as from Rome)

Co 473 (Late Roman dekanummion of Justinian I from Nicomedia)

Co 474 (Early Roman semis of Augustus from Corinth)

Co 475 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius II from Cyzicus)

Co 476 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 477 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valens from Nicomedia)

Co 478 (Early-Middle Hellenistic chalkous from Sikyon)

Co 479 (Early Roman as of Augustus for the deified Julius Caesar from Corinth)

Co 480 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Nicomedia)

Co 481 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 482 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Thessalonica)

Co 483 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II from Thessalonica)

Co 484 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 485 (Early Byzantine half-follis of Constans II from Constantinople)

Co 486 (Early Roman as of Augustus from Corinth)

Co 487 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantine I from Cyzicus)

Co 488 (Late Roman bronze coin of Libius Severus from Rome)

Co 489 (Early Byzantine follis of Constans II from Constantinople)

Co 490 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III from Rome)

Co 491 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II from Thessalonica)

Co 492 (Late Roman bronze coin of Johannes from Rome)

Co 493 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II from Antioch)

Co 494 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 495 (Middle Byzantine tetarteron of Alexios I from Thessalonica)

Co 497 (Late Roman bronze coin of Baduila in the name of Anastasius I from Pavia)

Co 498 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Athens)

Co 499 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius I from Antioch)

Co 500 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Arles)

Co 501 (Late Roman bronze coin of Justinian I from Carthage)

Co 503 (Early Roman as of Augustus from Corinth)

Co 504 (Early Roman as of Domitian from Corinth)

Co 505 (Middle Byzantine tetarteron of Alexios I from Thessalonica)

Co 506 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II)

Co 507 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 508 (Middle-Late Hellenistic bronze coin of the Thessalian League)

Co 509 (Late Roman bronze coin of Procopius from Constantinople)

Co 510 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine half-follis of Justin II from Thessalonica)

Co 511 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine follis of Justin II from Nicomedia)

Co 512 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine half-follis of Tiberius II from Thessalonica)

Co 513 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine half-follis of Justin II from Nicomedia)

Co 514 (Late Roman bronze coin of Licinius II from Rome)

Co 515 (Middle-Late Hellenistic bronze coin of Mytilene)

Co 516 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Athens)

Co 517 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic dichalkon(?) of Sikyon)

Co 518 (Middle-Late Hellenistic bronze coin of Dyrrhachion)

Co 519 (Late Roman bronze coin of Leo I from Cyzicus)

Co 520 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Cyzicus)

Co 521 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius I from Heraclea)

Co 522 (Middle-Late Hellenistic bronze coin of Karystos)

Co 523 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine half-follis of Justin II from Thessalonica)

Co 524 (Late Roman follis of Justinian I from Antioch-Theupolis)

Co 525 (Late Hellenistic hemiobol of Patrae)

Co 526 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Knossos)

Co 527 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentianian I or II, Valens, or Gratian from Trier)

Co 528 (Early Roman bronze coin of Athens)

Co 529 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius I, Arcadius, or Honorius)

Co 530 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius II)

Co 531 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II from Antioch)

Co 532 (Late Roman tetranummion of Justinian I from Thessalonica)

Co 534 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius)

Co 535 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Thessalonica)

Co 536 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius II)

Co 537 (Middle Byzantine half-tetarteron of Manuel I)

Co 538 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Thessalonica)

Co 539 (Late Hellenistic bronze coin of Athens)

Co 540 (Early Roman diassarion of Hadrian from Sparta)

Co 541 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Antioch)

Co 542 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Cyzicus)

Co 543 (Late Roman follis of Maximinus Daza from Nicomedia)

Co 544 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 545 (Early Roman as of Augustus from Corinth with countermark)

Co 546 (Late Roman half-follis of Justinian I from Antioch-Theupolis)

Co 547 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 548 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin, Anonymous Macedonian royal issue)

Co 549 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian I from Rome)

Co 550 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius II)

Co 551 (Late Republican as of Julius Caesar from Corinth)

Co 552 (Early Roman as of Domitian from Corinth)

Co 553 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 554 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 555 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Cyzicus)

Co 556 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantine II Caesar from Constantinople)

Co 557 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 558 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II)

Co 559 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Nicomedia)

Co 560 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Cyzicus)

Co 561 (Middle Roman diassarion of Septimius Severus from Megara)

Co 562 (Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of Illyrian Apollonia)

Co 563 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius I from Antioch)

Co 564 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine pentanummion of Justin II and Sophia from Thessalonica)

Co 565 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine pentanummion of Justin II and Sophia from Constantinople)

Co 566 (Late Roman bronze coin of Marcian from Constantinople)

Co 567 (Late Roman bronze coin of Marcian)

Co 568 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 569 (Late Roman pentanummion of Justin II and Sophia)

Co 570 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 571 (Late Roman bronze coin of Justinian I from Thessalonica)

Co 572 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III from Rome)

Co 573 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III from Rome)

Co 574 (Late Roman bronze coin of Marcian from Nicomedia)

Co 575 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius II from Heraclea, Nicomedia, or Cyzicus)

Co 576 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Thessalonica)

Co 577 (Middle Roman drachma of Athens)

Co 578 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine half-follis of Justin II from Thessalonica)

Co 579 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine follis of Justin II from Constantinople)

Co 580 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius I from Thessalonica)

Co 581 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II or Julian II Caesar)

Co 582 (Late Roman pentanummion of Justinian I from Constantinople)

Co 583 (Late Roman dekannumion of Justinian I from Constantinople)

Co 584 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Antioch)

Co 585 (Late Roman pentanummion of Justinian I from Constantinople)

Co 586 (Late Roman pentanummion of Theodoric in the name of Justin I from Ravenna)

Co 587 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius II from Constantinople or Nicomedia)

Co 588 (Late Roman bronze coin of Justinian I from Carthage)

Co 589 (Middle Hellenistic tetrachalkon of Ambracia)

Co 590 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Constantinople)

Co 591 (Late Roman bronze coin of Justinian I from Thessalonica)

Co 592 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Cyzicus)

Co 593 (Late Roman bronze coin of Zeno from Thessalonica or NIcomedia)

Co 594 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 595 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 596 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius I from Thessalonica)

Co 597 (Late Roman bronze coin of Leo I from Constantinople)

Co 598 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 599 (Late Roman bronze coin of Leo I from Antioch)

Co 600 (Middle Roman assarion of Geta from Corinth)

Co 601 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 602 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 603 (Middle Byzantine half-tetarteron of Manuel I)

Co 604 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 605 (Late Hellenistic bronze coin of Athens)

Co 607 (Early Roman assarion of Hadrian from Corinth)

Co 608 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Thessalonica)

Co 609 (Early Roman assarion of Antoninus Pius from Sparta)

Co 611 (Late Roman bronze coin of Justinian from Constantinople)

Co 612 (Middle Byzantine half-tetarteron of Manuel I)

Co 613 (Early Roman as of Domitian from Corinth)

Co 614 (Late Roman follis of Justinian I from Nicomedia)

Co 615 (Early Roman as of Nero from Corinth)

Co 616 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III)

Co 617 (Early Byzantine follis of Phocas from Cyzicus)

Co 618 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 619 (Late Roman tetranummion of Hilderic or Gelimer from Carthage)

Co 620 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 621 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 622 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valens from Siscia)

Co 623

Co 624 (Late Roman dekanummion of Justinian I from Constantinople)

Co 625 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III from Rome)

Co 626 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III from Rome)

Co 627 (Late Roman bronze coin of Marcian)

Co 628 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II from Thessalonica)

Co 629 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II)

Co 630 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III from Rome)

Co 631 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III from Rome)

Co 632 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Demetrios Poliorketes)

Co 633 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Antioch)

Co 634 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius II from Constantinople)

Co 635 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constans I from Constantinople)

Co 636 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II?)

Co 637 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II from Nicomedia)

Co 638 (Late Roman bronze coin of Honorius from Alexandria)

Co 641 (Late Roman bronze coin of Honorius or Theodosius II?)

Co 642 (Late Roman follis of Licinius I from Thessalonica)

Co 643 (Middle Roman diassarion of Commodus from Corinth)

Co 644 (Middle Byzantine half-tetarteron of Manuel I)

Co 646 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constans I)

Co 647 (Middle Roman radiate fraction of Maximian from Cyzicus)

Co 648 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II or Theodosius I from Thessalonica)

Co 649 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantine II Caesar from Heraclea)

Co 650 (Middle Roman antoninianus of Aurelian from Cyzicus)

Co 651 (Late Roman bronze coin of Leo I from Constantinople)

Co 652 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Cypriot Salamis under Macedonians)

Co 653 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Rome)

Co 654 (Late Roman dodekanummion of Justinian I from Alexandria)

Co 655 (Late Roman follis of Justinian I from Cyzicus)

Co 656 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III from Rome)

Co 657 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II from Heraclea)

Co 658 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constans Caesar from Antioch)

Co 659 (Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of Philip V of Macedonia)

Co 660 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Cyzicus)

Co 661 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantine II from Constantinople)

Co 662

Co 663 (Late Roman bronze coin, barbarous imitation)

Co 664 (Early Roman diassarion of Hadrian for the deified Antinoös from Epirote Nicopolis)

Co 665 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II Caesar from Cyzicus)

Co 666 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II and Constans for the deified Constantine from Lugdunum)

Co 667 (Middle Roman aurelianus of Tacitus from Pavia)

Co 668 (Early Roman prutah of Augustus from Jerusalem)

Co 669 (Middle Roman radiate fraction of Galerius Caesar from Cyzicus)

Co 670 (Late Roman half-follis of Anastasius I from Constantinople)

Co 672 (Middle Roman assarion of Marcus Aurelius from Patrae)

Co 673 (Late Roman bronze coin of Gratian from Rome)

Co 674 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Nicomedia)

Co 675 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantine I from Heraclea)

Co 676 (Middle Roman radiate fraction of Maximian from Cyzicus)

Co 677 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantine I from Antioch)

Co 678 (Early Roman as of Augustus from Corinth)

Co 679 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Constantinople)

Co 680 (Middle-Late Hellenistic tetrachalkon of Megara)

Co 681 (Middle Roman radiate fraction of Maximian from Cyzicus)

Co 682 (Early Roman assarion of Nero from Perinthus)

Co 683 (Early Roman hemiobol of Athens)

Co 684 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II from Cyzicus)

Co 686 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic dichalkon(?) of Sikyon)

Co 687 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 688 (Early Hellenistic hemiobol of Athens)

Co 689 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Aegina)

Co 690 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 691 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Histiaia)

Co 692 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 693 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 694 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin from Corinth)

Co 695 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II Caesar from Thessalonica)

Co 696 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 698 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 699 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic chalkous of Sikyon)

Co 700 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 701 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 702 (Late Republican quadrans of Corinth)

Co 703 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic dichalkon(?) of Sikyon)

Co 704 (Middle Hellenistic chalkous of Sikyon)

Co 705 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Constantinople)

Co 706 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 707 (Middle Hellenistic chalkous of Sikyon)

Co 708 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 709 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Aegina)

Co 710 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 711 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of the Boeotian League)

Co 712 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Demetrios Poliorketes)

Co 713 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 714 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Demetrios Poliorketes)

Co 715 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 716 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic chalkous of Sikyon)

Co 717 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 718 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Demeterios Poliorketes)

Co 719 (Early Roman diassarion of Domitian from Corinth)

Co 720 (Late Roman bronze coin of Justinian I from Thessalonica)

Co 721 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III from Rome)

Co 722 (Late Roman bronze coin of Gratian from Thessalonica)

Co 723 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius II from Constantinople)

Co 724 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius II from Rome)

Co 725 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III)

Co 726 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III)

Co 727 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III from Rome)

Co 728 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II from Thessalonica)

Co 729 (Middle Roman assarion of Septimius Severus from Kaphyai)

Co 730 (Middle Roman assarion of Julia Domna from Argos)

Co 731 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 732 (Middle Roman antoninianus of Claudius II from Siscia)

Co 734 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius Gallus from Constantinople)

Co 735 (Middle Roman antoninianus of Carinus from Rome)

Co 736 (Middle Roman radiate fraction of Maximian from Cyzicus)

Co 737 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 738

Co 739 (Late Roman bronze coin of Justinian I from Chersonesus)

Co 740 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II from Heraclea)

Co 741 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constans I from Constantinople)

Co 742 (Late Roman bronze coin of Crispus from Siscia)

Co 743

Co 744 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Nicomedia)

Co 745 (Middle Byzantine follis, Anonymous Class B)

Co 746 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II)

Co 747 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II and Constans for the deified Constantine from Constantinople)

Co 748 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Antioch)

Co 749 (Late Roman follis of Constantine I from Heraclea)

Co 750 (Late Roman bronze coin of Honorius from Constantinople)

Co 751

Co 752 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III from Rome)

Co 753 (Early Roman as of Domitian from Corinth)

Co 754

Co 755 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 756 (Later Roman bronze coin)

Co 757 (Middle Byzantine tetarteron of Manuel I from Thessalonica)

Co 758

Co 759

Co 760 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantine II Caesar from Thessalonica)

Co 761 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 762

Co 763 (Early Roman bronze coin of Athens)

Co 764 (Middle Roman aurelianus of Probus from Cyzicus)

Co 765 (Middle Roman as of Gordian III from Rome)

Co 766 (Middle Roman diassarion of Caracalla from Epirote Nicopolis)

Co 768

Co 769 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valens from Nicomedia)

Co 770 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Constantinople)

Co 771 (Middle Byzantine follis of Romanos I from Constantinople)

Co 772 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 773 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius II from Constantinople)

Co 774 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Antigonos II Gonatas)

Co 775

Co 776 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Argos)

Co 777 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 778 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic chalkous of Euboean Chalcis)

Co 779 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 780 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 781 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin from Corinth)

Co 783 (Middle Roman radiate fraction of Maximian from Heraclea)

Co 784 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Demetrios Poliorketes)

Co 785 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 786 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 787 (Late Republican as of Corinth)

Co 788 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Athens)

Co 789 (Middle-Late Hellenistic bronze coin of the Thessalian League)

Co 790 (Early Byzantine dekanummion of Tiberius II from Constantinople)

Co 791 (Early-Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of Athens)

Co 792 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius II from Cyzicus)

Co 793 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Thessalonica)

Co 794

Co 795

Co 796 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III from Rome)

Co 797 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valens or Valentinian I)

Co 798 (Late Republican semis from Corinth)

Co 799 (Early Roman sestertius of Antoninus Pius from Rome)

Co 800 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius I from Constantinople)

Co 801 (Middle-Late Hellenistic dichalkon of Euboean Chalcis)

Co 802 (Middle Roman diassarion of Septimius Severus from Argos)

Co 803 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 804 (Early Byzantine follis of Constans II from Constantinople)

Co 805

Co 806 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II from Nicomedia)

Co 807 (Early Roman as of Augustus from Corinth)

Co 808 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Cyzicus)

Co 809 (Late Roman bronze coin of Justinian I from Rome)

Co 810 (Late Roman bronze coin of Honorius from Arles pierced for use as bead)

Co 811 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II?)

Co 812

Co 813

Co 814 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine pentanummion of Justin II and Sophia from Thessalonica)

Co 815

Co 816 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Constantinople)

Co 817 (Late Roman bronze coin of Marcian from Nicomedia)

Co 818 (Early Byzantine follis of Constans II from Constantinople)

Co 819 (Early Roman semis of Augustus from Corinth)

Co 820 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Rome)

Co 821 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III from Rome)

Co 822 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian I from Thessalonica)

Co 823 (Early Roman as of Nero from Corinth)

Co 824 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Cyme in Aeolis)

Co 825 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valens from Thessalonica)

Co 826 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Constantinople)

Co 827 (Early Roman as of Domitian from Corinth)

Co 828 (Middle Byzantine follis, Anonymous Class B)

Co 829

Co 830 (Late Hellenistic-Early Hellenistic dichalkon(?) of Sikyon)

Co 831 (Late Roman bronze coin of Baduila in the name of Anastasius I from Pavia)

Co 832 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III from Rome)

Co 833 (Late Roman bronze coin of Licinius I from Nicomedia)

Co 834 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantine I from Rome)

Co 835 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II or Constans from Constantinople)

Co 836 (Middle Byzantine follis, Anonymous Class J)

Co 837 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valens from Thessalonica)

Co 838 (Middle Roman sestertius of Philip I from Rome)

Co 840 (Middle Roman antoninianus of Diocletian from Rome)

Co 842 (Middle Roman follis of Constantius Chlorus Caesar from Carthage)

Co 843 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constans I from Cyzicus)

Co 844 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius Gallus)

Co 845 (Middle Roman antoninianus of Aurelian from Pavia)

Co 846 (Middle Roman antoninianus of Gallienus from Rome)

Co 847 (Middle Roman assarion of Julia Domna from Kaphyai with countermark)

Co 848 (Early Roman bronze coin)

Co 849

Co 850 (Early Roman assarion of Marcus Aurelius for the deified Faustina from Delphi)

Co 852 (Middle Roman as of Julia Mamaea from Rome)

Co 853 (Early Roman as of Nero from Corinth)

Co 854 (Late Roman silvered bronze follis of Constantine I from Siscia)

Co 856 (Middle Roman assarion of Septimius Severus from Mantinea)

Co 857

Co 858 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 859 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Pantikipaion)

Co 860 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of the Kingdom of Macedon)

Co 861 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 862 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Euboean Chalcis)

Co 863 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin from Rhodes)

Co 864 (Early Roman as of Augustus from Corinth)

Co 865 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 866 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of the Locrian League)

Co 867 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 868 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 869 (Late Classical chalkous of Phlius)

Co 870 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Myrina)

Co 871 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic coin of Euboean Chalcis)

Co 872 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Argos)

Co 873 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 874 (Early-Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of the Euboean League)

Co 875

Co 876 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III from Rome)

Co 877 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine half-follis of Tiberius II from Thessalonica)

Co 878 (Middle Byzantine tetarteron of Manuel I from Thessalonica)

Co 879 (Early Roman as of Galba from Corinth)

Co 880

Co 881

Co 882 (Middle Roman antoninianus of Probus from Siscia)

Co 884 (Middle Roman diassarion of Marcus Aurelius from Corinth)

Co 885 (Early Roman as of Augustus in the name of Germanicus from Corinth)

Co 886 (Early Roman assarion of Antoninus Pius from Corinth)

Co 887 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Heraclea)

Co 888 (Early Roman as of Augustus from Dyme)

Co 889 (Early Roman semis of Nero from Euboean Chalcis)

Co 891 (Middle Byzantine half-tetarteron of John II from Thessalonica)

Co 892 (Middle Byzantine tetarteron of John II from Thessalonica)

Co 893 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 894 (Early Roman as of Galba from Corinth with countermark)

Co 895 (Middle Byzantine tetarteron of John II from Thessalonica)

Co 896 (Middle Byzantine half-tetarteron of Manuel I)

Co 897 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 898 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 899

Co 900

Co 901 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 902 (Middle Byzantine tetarteron of Alexios I from Thessalonica)

Co 903 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Aegina)

Co 904 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Athens)

Co 905 (Early Roman as of Agrippina from Corinth)

Co 906 (Early-Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of Sicyon)

Co 907 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 909 (Early Roman dupondius of Titus from Rome)

Co 910 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 911 (Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of Cyme in Aeolis)

Co 912 (Early Roman as of Tiberius for the deified Augustus from Corinth)

Co 913 (Early Byzantine follis of Phocas from Cyzicus)

Co 914 (Late Roman pentanummion of Justinian I from Constantinople)

Co 915 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 916 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 918 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 919 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin from Corinth)

Co 920 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Megara)

Co 921 (Late Classical-Late Hellenistic bronze coin of Dyrrhachion)

Co 922 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 923 (Early Hellenistic bronze obol of Ptolemy I from Paphos)

Co 924 (Middle Classical hemilitra of Dionysios I of Syracuse)

Co 925 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 926 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 927

Co 928 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 929 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 930 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 931 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 932 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of the Boeotian League)

Co 933 (Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of Athens)

Co 934 (Early-Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of Kos)

Co 935 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Philip II of Macedon)

Co 936

Co 937 (Early-Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of Megara)

Co 938 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 939 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 940 (Late Classical bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 941 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Antigonos II Gonatas)

Co 942 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 943 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 944 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Constantinople)

Co 945 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Nicomedia)

Co 946 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius I from Constantinople)

Co 947 (Late Roman bronze coin of Gratian from Arles)

Co 948 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III from Rome)

Co 949 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II from Cyzicus)

Co 950 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II from Constantinople)

Co 951 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Heraclea)

Co 952 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II from Alexandria)

Co 954 (Late Roman bronze coin of Procopius from Constantinople)

Co 955 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius I from Cyzicus)

Co 956 (Late Roman bronze coin of Johannes from Arles)

Co 957 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius II from Constantinople)

Co 958 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Constantinople)

Co 959 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Constantinople)

Co 960 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius I from Heraclea)

Co 961 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Aquileia)

Co 962 (Late Roman bronze coin of Licinius II from Thessalonica)

Co 963 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Heraclea)

Co 964 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 965 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Constantinople)

Co 966 (Late Roman coin of Constantius Gallus from Cyzicus)

Co 967 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II and Constans for the deified Constantine from Alexandria)

Co 968 (Middle Roman antoninianus of Claudius II from Rome)

Co 969 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II from Constantinople)

Co 970 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Constantinople)

Co 971 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constans from Heraclea)

Co 972 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius I from Alexandria)

Co 973 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Rome)

Co 974 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius I from Antioch)

Co 975 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Nicomedia)

Co 976 (Middle Roman sestertius of Gordian III from Rome)

Co 977 (Late Roman bronze coin of Hilderic from Carthage)

Co 978

Co 979

Co 980 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Miletos)

Co 981

Co 982 (Late Roman bronze coin of Galla Placidia from Rome)

Co 983 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II from Antioch)

Co 984

Co 985 (Late Roman bronze coin of Zeno from Cyzicus)

Co 986 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II from Thessalonica)

Co 987 (Late Roman bronze coin of Licinius II from Aquileia)

Co 988 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II from Thessalonica)

Co 989 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Alexandria)

Co 990

Co 991 (Late Roman coin of Theodosius II from Constantinople)

Co 992

Co 993 (Late Roman bronze coin of Leo I from Constantinople)

Co 994

Co 995

Co 996

Co 997

Co 998 (Late Roman bronze coin, barbarous imitation)

Co 999 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius I from Thessalonica)

Co 1000

Co 1001 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III from Rome)

Co 1002 (Late Roman bronze coin of Zeno from Thessalonica)

Co 1003

Co 1004

Co 1005

Co 1006

Co 1007 (Late Roman bronze coin of Gratian from Cyzicus)

Co 1008 (Late Roman bronze coin of Zeno from Cyzicus)

Co 1009 (Late Roman bronze coin of Marcian from Cyzicus)

Co 1010 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius I from Cyzicus)

Co 1011 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Constantinople)

Co 1012 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Thessalonica)

Co 1013 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantine I(?) from Nicomedia)

Co 1014 (Early-Middle Hellenistic hemiobol of Ptolemy III from Corinth)

Co 1015 (Early Roman assarion of Tiberius from Mytilene)

Co 1017 (Early Roman sestertius of Hadrian from Rome)

Co 1018 (Middle Byzantine half-tetarteron of Manuel I)

Co 1019 (Middle Byzantine half-tetarteron of Manuel I)

Co 1020 (Late Roman follis of Justinian I from Constantinople)

Co 1021 (Late Roman pentanummion of Theodoric in the name of Justin I from Ravenna)

Co 1022 (Late Roman bronze coin of Justinian I from Constantinople)

Co 1023 (Late Roman bronze coin of Justinian I from Carthage)

Co 1024 (Late Roman pentanummion of Justinian I from Constantinople)

Co 1025 (Late Roman bronze coin of Zeno from Constantinople)

Co 1026 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 1027 (Late Roman bronze coin of Zeno)

Co 1028 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius I from Aquileia, Thessalonica, or Cyzicus)

Co 1029 (Late Roman coin of Leo I from Antioch)

Co 1030 (Late Republican as of Corinth)

Co 1031 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian I from Trier)

Co 1032 (Late Roman half-follis of Justinian I from Constantinople)

Co 1033 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius I from Thessalonica)

Co 1034 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius I from Thessalonica)

Co 1035 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Alexandria)

Co 1036 (Early Roman as of Augustus from Dyme)

Co 1037 (Early Roman as of Galba from Corinth)

Co 1038 (Early Roman as of Nero from Corinth)

Co 1039

Co 1040 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic chalkous of Sikyon)

Co 1041 (Middle Roman assarion of Plautilla from Kleonai)

Co 1042 (Middle Roman assarion of Marcus Aurelius from Corinth)

Co 1043 (Late Roman follis of Justinian I from Antioch-Theupolis)

Co 1044 (Late Republican as of Corinth)

Co 1045 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 1046 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II from Thessalonica)

Co 1047 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius I)

Co 1048 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic chalkous of Sikyon)

Co 1049 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 1050 (Late Roman bronze coin of Julian II Caesar from Thessalonica)

Co 1051 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 1052 (Middle Hellenistic tertachalkon of Ambracia)

Co 1053 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian I from Heraclea)

Co 1054 (Bronze sheeting?)

Co 1055 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Demeterios Poliorketes)

Co 1056 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 1057 (Late Classical chalkous of Phlius)

Co 1058 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic chalkous of Phlius)

Co 1060 (Ancient button?)

Co 1061

Co 1062 (Early Roman as of Caligula from Corinth)

Co 1063 (Late Hellenistic bronze coin of Athens)

Co 1064 (Middle Roman assarion of Marcus Aurelius from Corinth)

Co 1065 (Late Roman half-follis of Justinian I from Thessalonica)

Co 1066 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine follis)

Co 1067 (Middle Byzantine half-tetarteron of Manuel I)

Co 1068 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 1069 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 1070 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II and Constans for the deified Constantine from Constantinople, pierced for suspension)

Co 1071 (Late Roman bronze coin of Justinian I from Carthage)

Co 1072 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III from Rome)

Co 1073 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Constantinople)

Co 1074 (Early Byzantine follis of Basil I from Constantinople)

Co 1075 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II from Constantinople)

Co 1076 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Constantinople)

Co 1077 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius I from Thessalonica)

Co 1078 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 1079 (Late Roman bronze coin of Gratian, Valentinian II, or Arcadius)

Co 1080 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constans I from Thessalonica)

Co 1081 (Early Roman as of Augustus in the name of Germanicus from Corinth)

Co 1082 (Early Roman as of Galba from Corinth)

Co 1083 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III from Rome)

Co 1084 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius I from Constantinople)

Co 1085 (Early Roman as of Tiberius from Corinth)

Co 1086 (Late Roman bronze coin of Justinian I from Carthage)

Co 1088 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III from Rome)

Co 1089 (Early Roman as of Caligula from Corinth)

Co 1090 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine bronze coin)

Co 1091 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II from Thessalonica)

Co 1092

Co 1093 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius II from Constantinople)

Co 1094 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II from Nicomedia)

Co 1095 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius I from Cyzicus)

Co 1096 (Middle Roman assarion of Julia Domna from Corinth with countermark)

Co 1097

Co 1098 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius Gallus from Siscia)

Co 1099

Co 1100 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine half-follis of Justin II from Thessalonica)

Co 1101 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 1102 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Heraclea)

Co 1103 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine half-follis of Justin II from Thessalonica)

Co 1104 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Antioch)

Co 1105 (Middle Roman assarion of Plautilla from Kleonai)

Co 1106 (Late Roman bronze coin of Zeno from Constantinople)

Co 1107

Co 1108 (Middle Byzantine tetarteron of Alexios I from Thessalonica)

Co 1109 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III from Rome)

Co 1110 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine half-follis of Justin II from Thessalonica)

Co 1111 (Late Roman bronze follis of Justinian I from Constantinople, pierced)

Co 1112 (Late Roman bronze coin of Anastasius I from Constantinople)

Co 1113 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 1114 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius I from Thessalonica or Constantinople)

Co 1115 (Late Roman bronze coin of Julian II Caesar from Siscia)

Co 1116 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius Gallus from Thessalonica)

Co 1117 (Late Roman bronze coin of Justinian I from Carthage)

Co 1118 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 1119 (Late Roman bronze coin of Marcian)

Co 1120 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius II)

Co 1121 (Late Roman bronze coin of Justinian I from Carthage)

Co 1122 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 1123 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius Gallus from Thessalonica)

Co 1124 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constans I from Antioch)

Co 1125 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 1126 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 1127 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II)

Co 1128 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constans I from Constantinople)

Co 1129 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constans I from Antioch)

Co 1130 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantine II Caesar from Antioch)

Co 1132 (Middle Byzantine tetarteron of Alexios I from Thessalonica)

Co 1133 (Early Roman hemiassarion(?) of Antoninus Pius from Argos)

Co 1135 (Late Roman bronze coin of Leo I from Alexandria)

Co 1136 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius I from Constantinople)

Co 1138

Co 1139 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantine II Caesar from Siscia)

Co 1140 (Late Roman bronze coin of Jovian from Cyzicus)

Co 1141 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 1142 (Middle Byzantine tetarteron of Alexios I from Thessalonica)

Co 1143 (Middle Roman assarion of Elagabalus from Thessalonica)

Co 1144 (Early Roman as of Augustus for Gaius and Lucius from Corinth)

Co 1145 (Middle Hellenistic hemidrachm of the Arcadian League)

Co 1146 (Late Roman bronze coin of Justinian I from Rome)

Co 1147 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III from Rome)

Co 1148 (Late Roman bronze coin from Valentinian II from Antioch)

Co 1150 (Middle Roman bronze coin of the Macedonian League)

Co 1151 (Late Roman bronze coin of Aelia Flacilla from Constantinople)

Co 1152

Co 1153 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius I from Nicomedia)

Co 1154 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius II from Nicomedia)

Co 1155

Co 1156 (Late Roman bronze coin of Leo I from Nicomedia)

Co 1157 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius I from Cyzicus)

Co 1158

Co 1159 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constans I from Cyzicus)

Co 1160 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine half-follis of Justin II from Thessalonica)

Co 1161 (Early Roman as of Tiberius from Corinth)

Co 1162

Co 1163 (Early Byzantine follis of Constans II from Constantinople)

Co 1164

Co 1165 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II)

Co 1166 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian I from Rome)

Co 1167

Co 1168 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius I from Aquileia)

Co 1169

Co 1170

Co 1171

Co 1172 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Constantinople)

Co 1173

Co 1174

Co 1175 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic chalkous of Sikyon)

Co 1176

Co 1177

Co 1178 (Late Classical bronze coin of Phlius)

Co 1179

Co 1180 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Thessalonica)

Co 1181 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantine I in the name of Roma from Thessalonica)

Co 1182

Co 1183 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius II or Johannes from Rome)

Co 1184 (Late Roman bronze coin of Honorius from Alexandria)

Co 1185 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II from Constantinople)

Co 1186 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius II from Constantinople)

Co 1187 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine dekanummion of Justin II from Thessalonica)

Co 1188 (Late Republican quadrans of Corinth)

Co 1189 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius I from Thessalonica)

Co 1190

Co 1191 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius II from Cyzicus)

Co 1192 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantine I from Constantinople)

Co 1193 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius II from Constantinople)

Co 1194 (Early Roman as of Galba from Corinth)

Co 1195 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Thessalonica)

Co 1196 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 1197 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 1198 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Alexandria)

Co 1199 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II from Thessalonica)

Co 1200 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Thessalonica)

Co 1201 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius I from Constantinople)

Co 1202 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius II from Constantinople)

Co 1203 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II)

Co 1204 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III from Rome)

Co 1205 (Late Roman bronze coin of Honorius from Rome)

Co 1206 (Late Roman bronze coin of Honorius from Alexandria)

Co 1207 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III from Rome)

Co 1208 (Late Roman bronze coin of Julian II Caesar from Heraclea)

Co 1209 (Late Roman bronze coin of Marcian from Nicomedia)

Co 1210 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 1211 (Late Roman bronze coin of Marcian from Nicomedia)

Co 1212 (Late Roman bronze coin of Leo I from Heraclea)

Co 1213 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III from Rome)

Co 1214 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius I from Thessalonica)

Co 1215 (Late Roman bronze coin of Honorius from Constantinople)

Co 1216 (Early Hellenistic hemiobol of Ptolemy II from Tyre)

Co 1217 (Early Roman as of Galba from Corinth)

Co 1218 (Late Roman bronze coin of Honorius from Nicomedia)

Co 1219 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian I from Antioch)

Co 1220 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Constantinople)

Co 1221 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II from Constantinople)

Co 1222 (Late Roman bronze coin of Leo I from Constantinople)

Co 1230 (Middle Byzantine half-tetarteron of Manuel I)

Co 1232 (Middle Classical hemiobol of Sikyon)

Co 1233 (Early Roman as of Caligula from Corinth)

Co 1234 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III from Rome)

Co 1235 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Aegina)

Co 1248 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic chalkous of Sikyon)

Co 1249 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin from Corinth)

Co 1250 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin from Corinth)

Co 1251 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Aegina)

Co 1252 (Early Roman bronze coin of Tiberius in the name of Germanicus from Tanagra)

Co 1253

Co 1254 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Aegina)

Co 1255 (Early Roman sestertius of Antoninus Pius from Rome)

Co 1256 (Late Republican semis of Corinth with countermark)

Co 1257 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Constantinople)

Co 1258 (Late Roman half-follis of Justin II from Thessalonica)

Co 1259

Co 1260 (Late Roman bronze coin of Leo I from Rome)

Co 1261 (Late Roman bronze coin of Justinian I from Antioch)

Co 1262 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III from Rome)

Co 1263 (Middle Roman antoninianus of Probus in the name of the deified Claudius II from Rome)

Co 1264 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 1265 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Alexandria)

Co 1266 (Late Republican as of Julius Caesar from Corinth with countermarks)

Co 1267 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius I from Thessalonica)

Co 1268 (Late Roman bronze coin of Leo I from Constantinople)

Co 1269

Co 1271 (Late Republican as of Corinth)

Co 1272 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Thessalonica)

Co 1273 (Early Roman diassarion of Domitian from the Koinon of Thessaly)

Co 1274 (Late Republican sestertius of Mark Antony Imperator)

Co 1275 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II or Julian II Caesar)

Co 1276 (Early Roman sestertius)

Co 1277 (Late Hellenistic bronze coin of Amisos)

Co 1278 (Middle Roman assarion of Marcus Aurelius from Corinth)

Co 1279 (Middle Roman assarion of Philip I from Viminacium)

Co 1280 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine follis of Justin II from Nicomedia)

Co 1281 (Early Roman as of Antoninus Pius from Rome)

Co 1282 (Late Roman bronze coin of Marcian)

Co 1283 (Early Roman as of Caligula from Corinth)

Co 1284 (Late Roman bronze coin of Leo I)

Co 1285 (Late Roman bronze coin)

Co 1286 (Early Roman as of Augustus from Corinth)

Co 1287

Co 1288

Co 1289 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Attic Salamis)

Co 1290

Co 1291 (Early Roman as of Tiberius for the deified Augustus from Corinth)

Co 1292 (Early Roman assarion of Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus from Argos)

Co 1293 (Late Republican as of Corinth)

Co 1294 (Early Roman as of Nero from Corinth)

Co 1295 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Phocian League)

Co 1296

Co 1297 (Early Roman semis of Claudius from Corinth)

Co 1298 (Middle Roman diassarion of Septimius Severus from Argos)

Co 1299 (Early Roman as of Caligula from Corinth)

Co 1301 (Late Republican dupondius of Mark Antony Imperator)

Co 1302 (Late Republican sestertius of Mark Antony Imperator)

Co 1303 (Early Roman assarion of Antoninus Pius from Corinth)

Co 1304 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Athens)

Co 1306 (Early Roman as of Augustus in the name of Tiberius from Corinth)

Co 1307 (Early Roman obol of Athens)

Co 1308 (Early-Middle Hellenistic hemiobol of Ptolemy III from Corinth with countermark)

Co 1309 (Early Roman assarion of Claudius and Agrippina from Ephesus)

Co 1311 (Early Roman bronze coin from Corinth)

Co 1312 (Early Roman assarion of Trajan from Corinth)

Co 1313 (Early Roman bronze coin from Corinth)

Co 1314 (Late Republican as of Mark Antony Imperator)

Co 1315 (Early Roman assarion of Nero from Methymna)

Co 1317 (Middle Byzantine follis of Romanos I from Constantinople)

Co 1318 (Late Republican as of Mark Antony Imperator with countermark)

Co 1319a (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II from Thessalonica)

Co 1319b (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius II from Thessalonica)

Co 1320 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic chalkous of Sikyon)

Co 1321 (Middle Roman bronze coin of Diocletian from Rome)

Co 1322 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Demetrios Poliorketes)

Co 1323 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Constantinople)

Co 1324 (Late Republican as of Marcus Antony Imperator)

Co 1325 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Aegina)

Co 1326 (Early-Middle Byzantine follis of Leo VI from Constantinople)

Co 1327 (Early-Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of Keos)

Co 1328 (Early Hellenistic hemiobol of Ptolemy I from Cypriot Salamis)

Co 1330 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III from Rome)

Co 1331 (Late Hellenistic trichalkon of Sikyon)

Co 1332 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius or Honorius)

Co 1333 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 1334 (Late Roman follis of Justinian I from Constantinople)

Co 1335 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III)

Co 1336 (Early Roman as of Nero from Corinth)

Co 1337 (Early Roman as of Sparta)

Co 1338 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II)

Co 1339 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Constantinople)

Co 1340 (Late Roman bronze coin of Leo I from Constantinople)

Co 1341 (Late Roman bronze coin of Zeno)

Co 1342 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II Caesar from Constantinople)

Co 1343 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Sirmium)

Co 1344 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Thessalonica)

Co 1345 (Late Republican semis of Corinth)

Co 1346 (Late Classical bronze coin of Corinth)

Co 1347 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Cyzicus)

Co 1348 (Late Roman coin of Arcadius from Constantinople)

Co 1349 (Early-Middle Hellenistic bronze coin from Paros with countermark)

Co 1350 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius I from Nicomedia)

Co 1351 (Early Roman as of Nero from Corinth)

Co 1352 (Late Roman bronze coin of Leo I)

Co 1353 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius or Honorius)

Co 2000 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III from Rome)

Co 2002 (Early-Middle Hellenistic chalkous of Sikyon)

Co 2003 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III from Rome)

Co 2007 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Constantinople)

Co 2008 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II from Thessalonica)

Co 2010 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius II from Cyzicus or Nicomedia)

Co 2011 (Middle-Late Hellenistic bronze coin of Megara)

Co 2012 (Early-Middle Hellenistic hemiobol of Ptolemy III from Corinth)

Co 2014 (Early Hellenistic dichalkon of Ptolemy II from Alexandria)

Co 2016 (Late Roman bronze coin of Odovacar from Ravenna)

Co 2017 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II from Aquileia)

Co 2018 (Middle-Late Hellenistic bronze coin from Megara)

Co 2019 (Late Classical-Late Hellenistic bronze coin or tessera from Argos)

Co 2020 (Early Roman semis of Corinth)

Co 2021 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II, Theodosius I, or Arcadius from Thessalonica)

Co 2023 (Late Roman bronze coin of Anastasius I from Constantinople)

Co 2026 (Late Roman bronze coin of Anastasius I from Constantinople)

Co 2027 (Late Roman bronze coin of Anastasius I from Constantinople)

Co 2028 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III from Rome)

Co 2029 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius II from Constantinople)

Co 2030 (Middle-Late Hellenistic bronze coin from Megara)

Co 2033 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III from Rome)

Co 2034 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III from Rome)

Co 2036 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Constantinople)

Co 2037 (Late Roman bronze coin of Gratian from Heraclea)

Co 2040 (Late Roman bronze coin of Gratian from Thessalonica)

Co 2041 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Sikyon)

Co 2042 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III from Rome)

Co 2043 (Late Roman bronze coin of Libius Severus from Rome)

Co 2049 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic coin of Corinth)

Co 2050 (Late Roman bronze coin of Justinian I from Constantinople)

Co 2051 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II from Thessalonica)

Co 2052 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III from Rome)

Co 2053 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin from Corinth)

Co 2054 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Siscia)

Co 2055 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Thessalonica)

Co 2057 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Thessalonica)

Co 2059 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin from Corinth)

Co 2060 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantine I from Rome)

Co 2061 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Constantinople)

Co 2062 (Late Roman bronze coin of Justinian I from Constantinople)

Co 2064 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius I from Constantinople)

Co 2065 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of the Boeotian League)

Co 2066 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin from Corinth)

Co 2067 (Late Roman bronze coin of Zeno from Thessalonica)

Co 2068 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III from Rome)

Co 2071 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III from Rome)

Co 2074 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Constantinople)

Co 2075 (Late Hellenistic bronze coin from Athens)

Co 2076 (Late Roman bronze coin of Marcian from Antioch)

Co 2077 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II or Julian II Caesar)

KE 14 (Bronze Ring)

KE 100 (Bronze Fish Hook)

KE 122 (Bronze Nail)

KE 123 (Bronze Nail)

KE 130 (Bronze Pin)

KE 170 (Bronze Fishhook)

KE 195 (Decorative bronze pins)

KE 325 (Bronze Finger Ring)

KE 327 (Bronze Clamp)

KE 328 (Bronze Nail)

KE 329 (Bronze Fragment)

KE 463 (Bronze Fishhook)

KE 513 (Bronze Nails)

KE 514 (Bronze Nails)

KE 515 (Bronze Pin?)

KE 516 (Bronze Pin)

KE 517 (Bronze Nail)

KE 574 (Bronze Clasp)

KE 625 (Decorative Bronze Handle)

KE 629 (Bronze Clasp)

KE 630 (Bronze Tab: Weight or Gaming Piece?)

KE 656 (Roman Bronze Lock Pin)

KE 718 (Early Byzantine Bronze Buckle)

KE 719 (Bronze Swing Handle)

KE 720 (Bronze Ring)

KE 721 (Bronze Ring)

KE 722 (Bronze Fishhook)

KE 723 (Gilded Bronze Finger Ring with Cornelian)

KE 724 (Bronze Fishhook)

KE 725 (Bronze Fishhook)

KE 728 (Bronze Stud)

KE 729 (Bronze Pin?)

KE 730 (Bronze Nail)

KE 731 (Bronze Nails)

KE 732 (Bronze Appliqué or Handle?)

KE 733 (Bronze Nail)

KE 792 (Bronze Fish Hook)

KE 793 (Roman Bronze Magical Nail)

KE 818 (Bronze Pendant Cross)

KE 819 (Bronze Earrings)

KE 836 (Bronze Loop)

KE 874 (Bronze Nail)

KE 875 (Bronze Nail)

KE 876 (Bronze Nail)

KE 877 (Bronze Nail)

KE 878 (Bronze Nail)

KE 879 (Bronze Nail)

KE 880 (Bronze Nail)

KE 881 (Bronze Nail)

KE 882 (Bronze Nail)

KE 883 (Bronze Nail)

KE 884 (Bronze Nail)

KE 885 (Bronze Nail)

KE 886 (Bronze Nail)

KE 887 (Bronze Nail)

KE 888 (Bronze Nail)

KE 889 (Bronze Nail)

KE 890 (Bronze Nail)

KE 892 (Bronze Fishhook)

KE 893 (Bronze Fishhook)

KE 894 (Bronze Fishhook)

KE 895 (Bronze Fishhook)

KE 896 (Bronze Fishhook)

KE 897 (Bronze Fishhook)

KE 898 (Bronze Fishhook)

KE 899 (Bronze Fishhook)

KE 903 (Small Bronze Ring)

KE 905 (Bronze Statuette)

KE 907 (Bronze Netting Needle)

KE 908 (Bronze Netting Needle)

KE 909 (Bronze Pin)

KE 910 (Bronze Pin)

KE 1074 (Bronze Buckle)

KE 1080 (Bronze Rings)

KE 1082 (Bronze cable earring)

KE 1086 (Bronze Ring)

KE 1087 (Bronze Loop and Attachment)

KE 1090 (Bronze Ring)

KE 1091 (Bronze Nail)

KE 1092 (Bronze Nail)

KE 1093 (Bronze Tack)

KE 1094 (Bronze Nail)

KE 1095 (Bronze bracelet?)

KE 1096 (Bronze Nail)

KE 1097 (Bronze Nail)

KE 1098 (Bronze Nail)

KE 1099 (Bronze Nail)

KE 1100 (Bronze Nail)

KE 1101 (Bronze Nail)

KE 1102 (Bronze Nail)

KE 1185 (Bronze Loop or Fastener)

KE 1186 (Bronze Pin or Needle?)

KE 1187 (Bronze Bow Fibula)

KE 1188 a,b (Bronze Pegs)

KE 1189 (Bronze Ring)

KE 1190 (Bronze Finger Ring)

KE 1191 (Bronze Ring)

KE 1192 (Bronze Fishhook)

KE 1193 (Bronze Nail)

KE 1194 (Bronze Nail)

KE 1227 (Bronze Bracelet)

KE 1407 (Bronze Sheet)

KE 1416 (Bronze Swing Handle)

KE 1424 (Bronze Hasp)

KE 1425 (Bronze Nail)

KE 1426 (Bronze Nails)

KE 1435 (Bronze Bow Fibula)

KE 1436 (Bronze Handle?)

KE 1437 (Bronze Netting Needle)

KE 1438 (Bronze Needle)

KE 1439 (Roman Bronze Lock Pin)

KE 1440 (Bronze Finger Ring)

KE 1441 (Bronze Fragment)

KE 1442 (Bronze Fishhhook)

KE 1443 (Bronze Tack)

KE 1444 (Bronze Tack)

KE 1445 (Bronze Finial)

KE 1446 (Bronze Nail)

KE 1447 (Bronze Spike)

KE 1448 (Bronze Netting Needle)

KE 1449 (Bronze Miniature Spoon)

KE 1458 (Bronze Finial)

KE 1459 (Bronze Netting Needle)

KE 1461 (Bronze Plating)

KE 1462 (Bronze Knucklebone)

KE 1464 (Bronze Ring)

KE 1465 (Bronze Ring)

KE 1466 (Bronze Ring)

KE 1467 (Bronze Nail)

KE 1552 (Bronze Fragment)

KE 1553 (Bronze Fragment)

KE 1580 (Bronze Buckle)

KE 1581 (Bronze Tack)

KE 1582 (Bronze Nail)

KE 1583 (Bronze Nail)

KE 1638 (Bronze Nail)

KE 1657 (Bronze Tack)

KE 1658 (Bronze Sheeting)

KE 1659 (Bronze Pin)

KE 1660 (Bronze Nail)

KE 1661 (Bronze Nail)

KE 1662 (Bronze Needle)

KE 1663 (Bronze Pin or Nail)

KE 1664 (Bronze Pin)

KE 1665 (Bronze Nail)

KE 1666 (Bronze Disc)

KE 1679 (Bronze Tack)

KE 1681 (Bronze Point)

KE 1682 (Bronze Nail)

KE 1692 (Bronze Disc)

KE 1756 (Bronze Nail)

KE 1787 (Bronze Wire)

KE 1793 (Bronze wire: earring?)

KE 1800 (Bronze Netting Needle)

KE 1801 (Bronze Pin and Chain)

KE 1802 (Bronze Nail)

KE 1803 (Bronze Nail)

KE 1804 (Bronze Nail)

KE 1805 (Bronze Nail)

KE 1806 (Bronze Ring?)

KE 1808 (Bronze Fishhook)

KE 1811 (Bronze Pendant?)

KE 1812 (Bronze Strip)

KE1813 (Bronze Arrowhead?)

KE 1814 (Bronze Hasp?)

KE 1832 (Bronze Nail)

KE 1838 (Bronze Finger Ring)

KE 1841 (Bronze Fish Hook)

KE 1842 (Bronze Fragment)

KE 1843 (Bronze Finger Ring)

KE 1919 (Bronze Nail)

KE 1929 (Bronze Ring)

KE 1930 (Bronze Nail)

KE 1936 (Bronze Nail)

KE 1937 (Bronze Miniature Spoon)

KE 1957 (Bronze Fibula)

KE 1964 (Bronze Bow Fibula)

KE 1965 (Bronze Pin)

KE 1968 (Bronze Chain)

KE 1999 (Bronze Ring)

KE 2018 (Perforated Bronze Strip)

KE 2090 (Bronze fragment)

KE 2354 (Bronze Nails)

KE 2401 (Late Antique Bronze Suspension Hook: steelyard or lamp?)

KTH0102 (Bronze Nail)

KTH0148 (Bronze Nail)

KTH0255 (Bronze Ring)

KTH0256 (Bronze Sheet)

KTH0259 (Bronze Foliate Implement)

KTH0264 (Bronze Swing Handle)

KTH0270 (Ancient Mortar with Embedded Metal)

KTH0295 (Bronze Knob, Button, or Finial)

KTH2490 (Ancient Bronze Sheathing)

Suggested citation
“Bronze (Material).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>